There is a place inside everybody’s heart that needs the love of a mother. As humans, we are wired with a deep need for a mother’s love and encouragement. Yet, due to death, divorce, deployment, and many other reasons, not everyone has a good mother present in their lives. When that need for a mother goes unmet, it can cause deep pain in the soul. My heart is filled with great compassion for the ones without a loving mother.
Although it may not feel natural to view God in a motherly way, He is a comforter to the motherless. Isaiah 66:13 (NKJV) says: “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.”
Along with bringing comfort, God heals our hearts when our biological mothers are absent or have passed away.
I was a fifteen-year-old girl when my mom moved away from me to live in another state. My parents had divorced when I was thirteen, so I had already experienced the pain of having my father move out of our home. After my mom decided to get remarried to another man, I had to choose whether I wanted to move away with my mom or move in with my father. Not having any idea of the ache I would feel in my heart, I chose to move in with my father after my mom moved hours away. During the weeks and months after being separated from my mom, I experienced an indescribable pain.
Even though those days were filled with excruciating pain, I would relive it all over again a thousand times because of the amazing blessing I received during that time of my life. Those painful days were when I began falling deeper in love with Christ. As I cried out to the Lord, He swept me into His incredible arms of love. Those days as a fifteen-year-old girl are when God planted a seed inside me that would later help me grow into a passionate-on-fire-for-Jesus-follower. It was during that motherless season that I learned to fall on my knees in God’s presence and worship Christ with all my heart.
Having my mom absent at times in my life has actually been a wonderful gift to me because it made me realize that Christ loves me like nobody else can.
If you are experiencing the ache of not having a mother or if you have an unloving mom, I want to encourage you and pray for you.
Your mother may have forsaken you, but God will never forsake you. He is Your ever-present COMFORTER.
It’s truly beautiful to experience the motherly love of God. As we draw near to God, He nurtures us, empowers us to forgive, and helps us to love those who have forsaken us.
My prayer is that every hurting person will experience the priceless gift of God’s perfect love and rest in knowing that He is with you always.
Thank You for loving us with a perfect love. Thank You for comforting us in the same way a mother comforts. I ask You to comfort the ones who have never had a loving mother and fill the void in the hearts of sons and daughters who have lost their mother due to death, divorce, abandonment, or other circumstances.
Help the ones who are hurting today to rest in Your presence and know that You will never leave them, nor forsake them. Help them look to You always as their comforter and nurturer.
Bring forth spiritual mothers to help nurture the hearts of neglected children. Heal the hearts of the ones who have been wounded or abandoned by their mothers and give them joy instead of mourning. Help a generation of orphaned children to become mighty carriers of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
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The photo at the top was captured on MOTHER’S DAY in 2016 while I was visiting Hawaii.
Thank you for sharing. This truly blessed my heart. God bless ❤️
God bless you!
Thank you for this!!!
God bless this ministry.