Are you enduring hardships at this moment? I want to encourage you to look away from the cares of this world and keep your focus on Jesus.
While seeking to know God’s heart, I learned that true joy is birthed through a close relationship with Christ. My life is proof that it is possible to have immense joy while experiencing hard things. It was during the most excruciating season that I found the most intense joy.
Jesus is joy.
Whatever you are facing today, there is joy to be discovered in Jesus. He is with you. He will reveal His love to you in unimaginable ways if you seek Him with all your heart.
Press toward God like never before, and you will find immeasurable joy in Jesus.
On this beautiful day, I can imagine Jesus whispering words of love to the world:
“Don’t look to the left or to the right. Look straight ahead. Keep your eyes fixed on ME. I will sustain you. Know that I am for you. If I am for you then you don’t need to worry. Let the joy you find in ME carry you.”
May you turn your eyes toward Jesus and bask in His love. I hope you will choose joy and live fully every day.
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