I am in awe of Jesus Christ every day. In the midst of the spiritual battles, Jesus continues to do amazing miracles. Jesus is working mightily in the lives of the younger generation. Our prayers are birthing a revival that will bring forth positive changes in this broken world. I believe with all my heart that ‘Generation Z’ will be the greatest generation of all time. They will lead the end time revival, and millions of lives will be saved. Our sons and daughters will be filled with God’s glory and be mighty warriors for Christ’s kingdom. Hallelujah.
Thank You for loving us so deeply. We are looking to You for answers for the generation of children of this present age. We are desperate to see You intervene on behalf of the teens and the younger generations in our communities. I ask You to pour out Your Spirit upon all the youth of the world and let them draw near to You. Rescue the ones who are surrounded by darkness and let them walk in Your light every day. Let them experience Your peace and bring healing to their souls. Deliver the adolescent ones from every addiction. Take away every suicidal thought and let them turn away from violence. Help the youth of the world turn away from all destructive behaviors and stay away from violent activities. Help them to stop bullying and to begin showing kindness to each other. Help them to stop looking to social media sites to get their worth and let them look to You to find their true callings. Fill the youthful ones with a great revelation of Your love and let them turn their hearts toward You. Awaken the souls of countless adolescents and let them be filled with a great measure of Your Holy Spirit. Surround them with Your presence and guard them from the arrows of the evil one. Draw them into Your arms and give them an insatiable desire to know You better. Let them discover Your grace and live by Your Spirit all the days of their lives.
Turn every stumbling block into a stepping stone that leads them to their destinies. Let Your will be done in their lives and help them to be great leaders. Let the younger generation share the gospel message with passion and power. Let our youth rise up and grow into strong warriors for Christ who live with purpose. I trust You to raise up a generation of passionate Christ-followers who will bring change to this broken world and live as children of light. I stand in faith and pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
The prayer in this post is an excerpt from THE DESPERATE MOM’S PRAYER BOOK (CHAPTER 1).