Monthly Archives: December 2022

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On this beautiful winter day, it’s refreshing to rest in the love of Christ and ponder the true meaning of Christmas. Christ came to redeem us and give new life. God’s gift of the Savior is truly what gives meaning to our lives. His love, joy, peace, hope, faith, and the never-ending list of heavenly treasures are the true riches of life.

Christ is truly the best gift that we will ever receive.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Christ. Thank You for the gift of eternal life that You have given us through Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect sacrifice to redeem us. Thank You for all that He gives us and how He enables us to live with an abundance of hope, joy, peace, and love. I give praise to our amazing Savior, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Let us continually rejoice over the gifts You have given us through a loving relationship with You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May your Christmas and coming year be filled with all of the glorious riches of Christ.




As I was talking with a friend yesterday about the Lord, I began telling her that peace is what the world needs more than anything else. Christ’s peace is one of the greatest gifts of life. Jesus is peace. His peace is like no other peace. It’s a peace that truly transcends our understanding.

When my son was suicidal years ago, I was amazed at the perfect peace Christ gave me. The Lord held me in His arms and flooded my soul with peace even in the moments that I did not know if my beloved child was alive or not. Since that day, I have rejoiced almost continually over Christ’s awesome gift of peace.

My desire is that an entire generation will be awakened and know that only Christ can give a person an unshakable peace in the soul. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You to guard our hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Awaken millions of souls to the reality of their need for Christ’s peace. Let the CHURCH take hold of all that You came to the earth to give mankind, and help us live in harmony with each other. Let us look to You when we are grieving and let us trust You wholeheartedly to carry us through every battle. Help us to continually turn away from fear, let us rest in knowing You do impossible things, and enable us to walk in strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:9

May your heart be filled with Christ’s indescribable peace this Christmas.



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Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Our children and the youth of the world need Christ’s light more than they need anything else. This Christmas season, I’m continuing to pray for revival and a great spiritual awakening among the younger generation.


Thank You for being a light for the youth to follow. Help the children of the world and the younger generation turn to You as their Savior. Revive the hearts of countless young people around the world. Bring millions of souls into Your kingdom in the days and months ahead.

Help our sons and daughters live in Your light. Help them to live fully surrendered to You each day of their lives. Give them the desire to seek You wholeheartedly through prayer and reading the Bible. Let them turn to You for guidance and strength. Teach them to trust You and know You deeper every day. Surround them with a wall of protection and watch over them always. Let Your word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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