While I have been crying out to God for America, I’ve sensed that many of God’s people are praying fervently and we at the cusp of seeing the greatest revival we’ve ever seen. As we keep our eyes focused on Christ and pray without ceasing, God will move on our behalf. Things may get worse before they get better, but God will keep His hand upon our country if we don’t give up praying.

Let’s pray passionately for God’s will to come forth in America.


Thank You for the good plans and vision You have for America. Thank You for reviving the hearts and changing the lives of countless people. Let revival break out in a powerful way this week as the tension is high in our nation. Cover our cities with Your peace and let the body of Christ pray more fervently than ever before.

Keep Your hand firmly placed upon our country. Heal our land and let our nation be filled with Your glory. Guard over the election process and ensure the votes will be counted in an honest way. Turn things around in our cities and let Your chosen ones be elected as our leaders. Bring forth the leaders who will help our country be safe, protect our freedom, and help our nation thrive. Let Americans elect a new PRESIDENT who will be filled with wisdom and help our nation become strong again.

Pour out a spirit of unity upon our nation and help us to forgive those who have hurt us. Let us show kindness and live in harmony with one another. Let the racial barriers come down in America and help us treat each other as brothers and sisters. Help us to be carriers of Your peace and let us be kind to those different than ourselves. Help us live humbly and walk in love toward all people. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Pray boldly!


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