Author Archives: Live Abundantly Now


The Hope of Your Healing

On an ordinary day, in a check-out line, I turned around and saw sadness in the eyes of two women. They were wearing religious attire with their heads covered. I could see brokenness and fear coming from deep within their souls. I sensed within my spirit that Christ wanted for me to share a little of my story.

“If you haven’t met Jesus yet, He’s amazing,” I said with zeal.

I boldly shared my faith in Jesus not because I was condemning their lives. I shared that day and I share every opportunity I getfor one reason onlyI want others to taste the amazing love of Christ. I want every person I come into contact with to know Him intimately, to know His love, to see how His story is truly the greatest, most life-changing story every told.

“For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.” Philippians 1:20 (NLT)

I’m linking up for Five Minute Friday where Lisa Jo Baker and other awesome people write for five minutes flat with no self critiquing or no striving for perfection. This week’s prompt is: “Story.”

Five Minute Friday

Love Never Fails


To love and to be loved are the two greatest things we can experience in this life. I felt warmth all around me when I heard these beautiful words spoken during a wedding toast once. I wholeheartedly agree that there is nothing that compares to the fulfillment of loving someone deeply and experiencing his or her love in return.

I am continually being challenged in my ability to love perfectly and unconditionally. Loving others when they’re kind to me is not a hard thing. The difficulty comes in repaying unkindness with kind deeds. If we only show love when we are treated kindly, then why do we need Christ?

Marriage gives us the perfect opportunity to practice showing true Christ-like love.

I believe God loves bringing together complete opposites; this is what He did in my marriage. It’s kind of funny when I think about how totally opposite we are. My husband is an introvert. I am an extrovert. He is a morning person. I am a night person. He is a reserved, more serious person. I am a free-spirited person. He is a ‘plan every detail’ kind of person. I am a ‘go with the flow’ kind of person. He is more of a spender. I am more of a saver. He is more laid back about housekeeping. I am the ‘wants everything in its place’ kind of person.

The list of the differences in our God-given personalities could go on and on, without even mentioning the natural differences there are in men and women.

There’s a reason we said, “For better or for worse,” in our marriage vows. When two people come together with completely opposite natures, there will be friction. There is no way to get around it. One time, I heard someone say they preferred to have a mate with a similar personality to theirs. Not me. It would be totally boring to spend the rest of my life with someone like myself. I have no doubt that Michael was made for me, but knowing we were made for each other doesn’t keep us from being tested in our ability to truly love one another.

The marriage relationship is the most powerful way to live out our Christianity. As husband and wife, we are bonded like no other bond.

When God began healing our marriage and tearing down the walls between us, a deep level of spiritual and emotional intimacy began growing in our relationship. We began sharing our deepest fears, our hurts, and our wildest dreams with each other. We laid out our most valuable treasures to share with the other, trusting that they would be delicately treated. There is no one on the earth that knows me more intimately than my husband.

It has been a beautiful thing. As the depth of our marriage has grown, so has the cost. Our ability to hurt each other is much greater now. When we were holding tightly onto the deepest parts of our souls, it was safer. There wasn’t so much at stake.

Now, my husband holds the most valuable part of me in his hand: my heart. I have given all of it to him, not small parts. He has it all. The only ONE who exceeds this bond is Christ. It is my bond with Christ that has allowed me to open my heart fully to my husband.

Without Christ’s love, I would have to keep my heart guarded and protected, living in mediocrity. I did that for many years. I lived and loved halfheartedly. I was too busy trying to protect myself from hurt to really love the way I know Christ intends for me to. The cost was too high for me. I knew that if I dared to love as Christ loves, I could end up getting hurt; therefore, I didn’t take many risks.

Things started changing when I allowed Christ to begin healing the wounded places in my heart. As He healed each wound, a piece of the protective shield that surrounded my heart began breaking away. I began opening myself to my husband in ways I never had before. I began letting him see my bare soul.

I consciously made a decision to love with all my strength no matter what the cost. It hasn’t been as easy as I thought it would be. My unguarded heart is vulnerable and when hurt is inflicted, it can go deep. Loving hard, loving fully means hurting sometimes. That’s part of it.

The marriage relationship is the place that love is tested the most. The closeness in the relationship forces us to face our differences. The only other option is to grow apart, living together in the same house. What’s the point in that? We didn’t get married to be roommates. We got married to remain soul-mates and best friends.

I remember a pivotal time in my marriage that changed how I related to Michael. He had hurt my feelings, and I was having a hard time letting it go. I just kept thinking, “I have a right to feel this way.” My flesh was demanding its way. I wanted my husband to come to me and make it right. Instead of loving him unconditionally, I allowed a wall to go up between us. The protective barriers were creeping back around my heart.

I had an option; I could either keep waiting on him to come and make it right or I could let go of my hurt and be the initiator of the reconciliation. It’s so much easier to wait, let him come to me, and let him admit his wrong. It feels better that way.

After contemplating my choices for a while, I ended up in my secluded place with the Lord, praying softly. “Lord Jesus, what would You do in the situation I am in?” He immediately whispered His words to me. Love him, expecting nothing in return. It hit me in my spirit like a ton of bricks. My mind was bombarded with thoughts. How can I do this? Everything in me wants something in return.

The Lord flooded out my thoughts with a Bible verse I had memorized during my high school years: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

As I pondered the words of Philippians 4:13, I felt Christ’s Spirit nudging me to read 1 Corinthians 13, even though I had read it countless times throughout my life. I sensed God asking me to read it in the Living Bible translation. I went into our office, pulled my old Bible off the bookshelf, and began reading the beautiful scriptures about love.

“Love is very patient, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly ever notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him.” Corinthians 13:4-7

By the time I got to the end, I was weeping. I asked the Lord to forgive me for the mistake I had made. I had gotten so caught up in what wrong had been inflicted on me that it was all I could see. Since that day, I have prayed often for the Lord to allow me to continually be an instrument of His unconditional love.

Letting go of hurt is difficult. Loving someone regardless of the hurt that may have been imposed is hard. It means I have to die to my desires to be heard and die to my desires to be understood. It means putting others’ feelings before mine.

Loving unconditionally is sacrificial. Mother Teresa’s words echo in my soul, reminding me to keep pressing on in this journey of unconditional love. She said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

I want to love with no boundaries, take every risk possible, and love at all costs. The awards are amazing. The irony I see in all of this is that when I hold back from loving purely, I am sabotaging my chances for the deep connection my spirit is craving. At times, I still get caught up in the belief that holding back will protect me from hurt. In reality, when I hold back on love, I am hurting myself more and I miss out on a fulfilling marriage relationship.

When I dive in, loving my husband as fully as I possibly can, the desires of my heart are fulfilled. Each time I take a risk, it hurts at the moment to deny my own needs, but in the long run my marriage is blessed beyond measure; the romantic love returns, the passion comes alive, and our relationship flourishes.

God made no mistake when he chose my husband for me. He knew my weaknesses needed to be my husband’s strengths and that my strengths needed to be his weaknesses. We need each other. This is what oneness is about (Genesis 2:24).

Loving unconditionally is a process that takes a lifetime to learn.

It’s amazing—this thing called love. There is no greater power than the power of love. It’s worth the risk. It’s worth the tears. It’s worth diving in as deep as you can go…because no matter what, love never fails.

“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge; it will pass away.”  1 Corinthians 13:8 (NIV)

This piece has been revised and was originally written in 2008. Today, I am so thankful for the love I have in Christ and for the way it spills over into my marriage. The photo was taken the day my husband and I renewed our wedding vows.


Five Minute Friday: Broken


It was after I became an adult that I realized how broken I was. My daddy had left our family when I was a thirteen-year-old, and the wounds were hidden deep in my soul.

After unsuccessfully searching to find comfort through acceptance of people and staying busy, I found healing through communing with Christ. An intimacy with God began growing that changed me eternally. I am no longer broken.

Christ reached into the depths of my soul and healed me wound by wound. Because of the undying, unwavering, perfect love of ChristI am whole. His love restored me.

“May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Ephesians 3:19 (New Living Translation)

I’m linking up for Five Minute Friday where Lisa Jo Baker and other awesome people write for five minutes flat with no self critiquing or no striving for perfection. This week’s prompt is: “Broken.”

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Belong

grandfather and grandson with cloud

In the nineties, while enduring many hardships in my life, I wondered where God was. Had He disappeared when I needed Him most? Had He left me in my time of need? I had lost all sense of purpose. I was battling hopelessness until one day the Lord spoke so clearly to me in my heart, I created the universe, I can certainly fix the problems in your life.

Hope came flooding into my soul. And step by step as I prayed and trusted Him, Christ began putting all the broken pieces of my heart back together, creating a beautiful masterpiece out of my life. He freed me from despair and brought me to a place of knowing that no matter what happens on this earth, while following Him wholeheartedly, I will live in His peace and always be right where I belong.

“Some will say, ‘I belong to the Lord;’ others will call themselves by the name of Jacob; still others will write on their hand, ‘The Lord’s,’ and will take the name Israel.” Isaiah 44:5 (NIV)

I’m linking up for Five Minute Friday where Lisa Jo Baker and other awesome people write for five minutes flat with no self critiquing or no striving for perfection. This week’s prompt is: “Belong.”

The photo was downloaded at

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Present


It’s tempting to live life focused on the past or worrying about what lies ahead in the future. While my mind sometimes wanders and I think about those things that steal my peace, the Lord whispers words to my heart that keep me focused on what is eternal.

Be still and quiet every day so that you can hear My voice. I will give you what your soul is yearning for if you keep focused on Me. Don’t look back to the past. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Simply walk with Me and live in the present moment. Savor what I am giving you in the present and enjoy every single breath I am giving you.

His words are what draw me into living in the present moment.

“You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. What is life? You are a mist that is seen for a moment and then disappears.” James 4:14 (God’s Word Translation)

I’m linking up for Five Minute Friday where Lisa Jo Baker and other awesome people write for five minutes flat with no self critiquing or no striving for perfection. This week’s prompt is: “Present.”

The photo was taken at Dauphin Island, Alabama. There’s something about the beach that beckons me to listen closely to the voice of God.

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Beautiful


His presence makes my heart melt. His voice makes excitement rise up in my soul. His love is the only thing that makes me sing, dance and laugh. He is everything to me.

He has become the breath that keeps me going. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel wanted. He makes me feel treasured and valued.

Jesus makes me feel complete and perfectly beautiful in every way.

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.”  Song of Songs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

It’s my second time to join Lisa Jo Baker in the Five Minute Friday challenge of writing for five minutes flat with no self critiquing or no striving for perfection. This week’s prompt is, “Beautiful.” Again, the words trickled into my mind and I wrote a very short post.

I pray that you will feel more beautiful than ever and allow Christ to sweep you up every day into His strong arms of love.

The photo was downloaded at

Five Minute Friday

Encountering God

Amy's Pictures 503

I remember when I first began encountering the presence of God. It was after my parents had divorced and my heart ached terribly.  I was a young teen desperate for the healing love of Christ. I would turn on my worship music and lie still until I felt a tangible sense of God in the room with me. This is how I know Christ is real. His power heals and changes in a way that’s only possible through a touch of the Divine.

There is nothing like experiencing the realness of the Creator of the universe.

God’s love heals and transforms us when we make Him our sole focus. Christ whispers words of love to us when we seek Him wholeheartedly. His words woo us into His arms. My love is what your soul is yearning for. Draw near to Me and I will come near to you, He whispers ever so softly.

Have you encountered God lately? I pray that you will feel His presence in a tangible way in the moments that you need His loving touch and warm embrace.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” James 4:8 (NASB)

Five Minute Friday: In Between

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In between the moments that I am in Your presence, Father, I am lost.

I am fully alive when I stay connected to You. I am more than a conqueror when I stay close to Your heart. I am whole as a woman when I walk with You and commune with You. I am everything I need to be as I learn to trust You and live in oneness with Your Spirit. Why do I try to do things apart from You? Help me, Lord, to live every moment completely interconnected and surrendered to You. Amen.

“Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who has loved us.” Romans 8:37 (Weymouth New Testament)

Today, I spontaneously decided to join Lisa Jo Baker in the Five Minute Friday challenge. The rule is for everyone who participates to write for only five minutes on the same prompt. This week’s prompt was, “In Between.” I must be a slow thinker because very few words came to mind in five minutes. I pray that you all will have fewer in between moments and more in the Spirit moments.

Five Minute Friday



At a time when my life seemed overwhelming, I read an article in the newspaper about voluntary simplicity. It was a fascinating article featuring several families that chose to leave the rat race behind and live a simpler life like Jesus did. It inspired me greatly. It seemed impossible at the time because I had accumulated too much stuff after eleven years of living in the same house.

It was 1997 when I read the article and began focusing on getting rid of the unnecessary things in my life. Every year, I would clean out clutter by donating loads of stuff to thrift stores and selling some things. My goal evolved from living with less clutter to keeping only what a typical vacation home would have.

After spending many summers working on simplifying, I am reaping the fruit of my labor. Although, I am not 100% at my goal, my house is so easy to keep clean. I spend very little time looking for things, and I have so much more time to do what I love and enjoy.

I am free from letting my stuff define me. I have stepped away from the “more is better” philosophy of the Western world. I have a new mindset.

It’s so easy in America to fall into the trap of believing that happiness is attained through material possessions. Spiritually speaking, material stuff doesn’t do anything for our souls. Owning too much stuff can even stress and overwhelm us.

A simplistic mindset changes every aspect of life. It frees up our schedules. It makes relationships easier. It allows us to get more things accomplished. It frees us to enjoy God’s presence and the simple beauty of nature. Most importantly, it gives us more time to nurture our spirits. Simplicity changes everything.

In this chaotic world, when we take time to be still, Christ beckons us with His love to come and enter into His presence and enjoy His treasures. In the quiet moments, I can hear Him whispering, I have all that your heart longs for. In Me, you will find treasures that cannot be lost or stolen. In Me alone, you will find perfect satisfaction.

We can’t take our stuff with us when we pass on. So why not spend most of our time investing in eternal treasures? No matter how much others are reveling in their material possessions, there is freedom in knowing that happiness grows from within the spirit.

I believe following Christ and living a simple life go hand in hand. There is truly abundant joy in simple living. I pray that you will find peace and contentment in Christ alone.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal. Matthew 6:20


Summertime Beauty


Summertime symbolizes so many different things. It’s a time to rest and slow down. It’s a time to enjoy all the beautiful flowers that thrive in the heat. It’s a time to be still and relax in the moments when there’s no work or home-schooling or meetings to attend.

When I think of all my summertime memories, I think of lying in a hammock with a good book. I think of picnics and watermelons.


I think of jumping in the refreshing, cool water after a jog. I think of crossing the finish line at the Peachtree Road Race. I think of fireworks on the Fourth of July. I think of catching fireflies in a jar and playing hide ‘n’ seek with the neighborhood kids.


I think of camping and walking on the beach at dusk. I think of romance. I think of candle light dinners on the patio. I think of the sweetness of fresh blueberries and the sunflowers coming into full bloom.


But most of all, summertime reminds me of Jesus. He draws us into rest, calling us to slow down and find refreshment in Him. He gives us more excitement than a fireworks show and carries us through to the finish line when we’re struggling to carry on. He makes life beautiful in the same way that summertime does.

Christ brings summertime sweetness and perfect rest to the soul.

On this beautiful summer day, I can hear Jesus whispering, Come to Me and find what your soul is longing for. Come and find rest in your spirit and mind. I am here waiting to embrace you with My love.

Are you enjoying the rest that comes in the summer season? I pray you will enjoy all the beauty of summer and experience the sweetness of God’s unwavering love.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

“So he said to them, ‘Let’s go to a place where we can be alone and rest for awhile.’…” Mark 6:31 (God’s Word Translation)

Photography Credit: Michael von Borstel