Category Archives: Holidays


Joy to the world, the Lord has come, and He’s coming again! We can rejoice this Christmas and every day, because we have Christ as our Savior.

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) says: “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit according to the words in the book of Galatians. True joy is not something we can conjure up in our own strength, especially in hard seasons of life. Christ’s joy is supernatural and comes from walking in oneness with Christ. When we are one with Christ, and HE is our all in all, then we overflow with supernatural joy because of HIS constant presence in our lives.

Lasting (eternal) joy comes from knowing Christ. As we choose Christ above everything or anyone, joy will continue to overflow from our hearts.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect sacrifice to redeem us. Thank You for all that Jesus gives us. Thank You that Christ enables us to live with an abundance of joy, peace, love, hope, and faith when we feel like giving up. Thank You for carrying us when we’re weary and tired. Thank You for being everything we need in this broken world. Let us rejoice over the gifts You have given to us through our beloved Christ. Amen.


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I’m incredibly grateful for my father. My heart is filled with many good memories beginning from when I was a little girl. Daddy took me to my dance classes and my t-ball games and on adventurous rides through the mountains in our Jeep. He took me on hikes and taught me to appreciate God’s beautiful nature—especially the North Georgia Mountains.

With his gentle nature and caring heart, he taught me how to ride a bicycle. I can still visualize that day out on the fairgrounds when my daddy let go of the back of my small bicycle. Oh, the joy that rose up in my heart when I knew I could ride by myself.

He taught me how to swim and dive. I can remember that day perfectly as well. He would hold me underneath my tummy and show me how to kick my legs and move my arms. He would move his hands out from underneath me and I would swim a little further each time. And my first real dive, in the pool at Tampa, Florida was amazing as my daddy stood there cheering me on until I defeated my fear.

He taught me how to drive a five-speed car. That was funny. With his patient assistance, I finally learned how to shift the gears without screeching sounds. The fact that my daddy taught me so many things made the experiences so much better.

He took me on outings, just the two of us, when my heart needed the special touch of a father’s love. And even though we had some painful years when our family split apart, I’m thankful for those years, too. I would not change any of the hard times. It was during the years after my parents divorced that I saw my daddy surrender to Christ and grow into an amazing man of God. I saw Christ’s transformative power working in a very real way that gave me a much stronger faith in God.

I am blessed beyond measure with a father who loves me and believes in me. He is one of my best cheerleaders in life and he speaks words of affirmation when I need encouragement. I would not be who I am today without having witnessed the realness of Christ shining through Daddy’s life. I will be forever thankful for all the ways my beloved daddy has shown me love throughout my life.

Happy Father’s Day!

Let this be a day of thanking God for the good fathers in our world. Most important of all, let us remember and rejoice in the fact that God is the PERFECT FATHER for everyone who is willing to receive His awesome gift of salvation. May God’s love fill the void in the hearts of the ones in need of a good father today.


On this Christmas day, my heart is filled with compassion for the ones with weary hearts. 2023 has been a devastating year for many people around the world. There is indescribable turmoil in Israel after the October 7th terrorist attack. Weary souls are filled with uncertainty about the future. But even amidst a world filled with chaos, we can rejoice because we have our beloved SAVIOR—the ONE who was born to save mankind. We can rejoice because Christ is our peace and hope. We can rejoice because we have faith that Christ will return and make all the wrong things right.

If you’re feeling weary and have a troubled heart, may the reality of Christ’s healing presence lift your spirit. May you experience the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding today and always.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Your SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our SAVIOR and eternal PEACE-GIVER. Help the ones who are feeling weary today. Help them take hold of the peace that surpasses all understanding. Guard their hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Help their hearts not to be troubled or afraid. Help them to trust You more, walk closely with You, and rest in knowing You do impossible things. Help them take hold of Your hand and live with strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

Merry Christmas!


Easter Sunday is a beautiful time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. And as we grow more deeply acquainted with Christ, we realize that every day is a day to celebrate and experience the power of Christ’s resurrection.

Philippians 3:10-11 (AMP) says:

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] that if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].”

Through a deep relationship with Christ, we can experience the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Christ’s resurrection power floods our soul with joy and peace when we feel like giving up. His resurrection power heals our broken hearts when we’re hurting. His resurrection power gives us strength to endure the most painful circumstances. Christ’s resurrection power delivers us from the demons that try to destroy our lives. His power enables us to forgive and love the people who have mistreated us. There is a never-ending list of the ways we can experience the power of Christ’s resurrection.

Everybody experiences hard battles in life. Pain is an inescapable reality in this world. However, the resurrection of Christ is a reason to dance every single day. When I am facing hard and painful battles, I fall on my knees and cry out to Jesus. As I pour my heart out to the Lord, His resurrection power lifts me up and fills me with supernatural strength. Then I begin to dance in celebration of His amazing love.

May you experience Christ’s resurrection power this Easter and be filled with a great measure of joy.

Our Beloved Jesus,
With every passing day, I am in more awe of You. I will be eternally grateful for Your grace. Thank You for Your indescribable love for mankind. Thank You for being our redeemer and dying an agonizing death so that we can live eternally in Your perfect peace. Help us to surrender to Your will and experience Your resurrection power every day. Help us to always remember the pain you bore for us to be free from sin, death, condemnation, and shame. Help us live with grateful hearts and let our lives be a celebration of Your awesome gift to us. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


I hope you enjoy my all-time favorite worship song. Years ago, I danced so intensely when the song “God’s Great Dance Floor” was sung at the Easter service. The muscles in my legs hurt for a few days from dancing so hard. It was worth it though.


You have a reason to dance today: JESUS IS ALIVE.





Years ago, I saw something that caught my attention and made me think of God’s perfect love toward us. I was driving home from doing errands. As I was making a right turn, I saw a motorcycle and a bicycle turn in front of me. At first, it struck me as really odd because the cyclist was riding so closely behind the motorcycle. But then I could see clearly what they were doing. It was a father and a daughter riding together.

The man looked to be in his forties or fifties. He was riding his motorcycle directly in front of the girl. They were so close together that it looked as though they were touching each other. The girl looked about sixteen. She had on a biker’s shirt similar to what the professionals wear. She was obviously training for a serious race, and her dad was there to help her train. It was like her father was guiding her and protecting her along the way. As I passed by, the dad was turning around to look at his daughter to make sure she was okay.

While driving by them, emotions rose up in my spirit. I saw a picture of how God loves and protects us.

I could hear God’s still, small voice speaking to me in my heart.

He whispered to me so gently. “I love you with an unfailing love like a father loves His child. I go before you to mark the path that is best for you. Stay on the path with Me, and I will keep you in the shadow of My wings.”

I had tears of joy as I drove home thinking about such a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. I realized in that moment of watching the father guiding his daughter on her bike, how we don’t need to move ahead of God, outside of His protective shelter.

Isn’t that amazing to think about? God our Father is continually with us and sheltering us as long as we don’t try to sneak away from His loving guidance. The Bible says God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity (Joel 2:13). As we stay close to God, He will keep us from harm, and make us sing for joy all our days on the earth.

I am praying that you will experience the immeasurable love of God today. May His peace rest upon you, and may you always know you are His beloved daughter or son. Most of all, I pray you will bow before Him and be satisfied in His unfailing love.

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14 (NIV)

“How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7 (NIV)


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As a side note, I wrote this devotion previously, and it was posted on the ‘Live Abundantly Now’ blog in 2013. The photo design work was created by my daughter.


It’s a new year and a new beginning. There is no better time to renew our spirits and jump excitedly into the great things God has for each one of us. Life is like a mountain road full of unexpected turns, steep climbs, and downhill slopes. It’s an amazing ride filled with a gamut of emotion. There are sorrows and celebrations in all of our lives. Life will never be perfect. But it is glorious when we rest in Christ’s love.

The love of Christ makes us look heavenward so that every difficulty in this life becomes like a vapor in the wind. His love brings beauty into the most painful circumstances. His love covers the soul with peace, joy, and goodness. His love is better than anything else.

During the past year, Christ’s love has shaken me in ways I could have never dreamed of. It has been a year of spiritual growth and drawing closer to Christ.

I believe that 2023 will be a year for many people to draw closer to the heart of Christ. I can feel it in my bones…His love is rocking the world like never before. Nothing excites me more than watching others get shaken by God’s love.

Are you ready for Jesus to knock your socks off with His love?

With excitement for the year ahead, I’m sharing my mantra (life verse) again: Christ never promised that the road would be easy, but He did promise an abundant life. Jesus said: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”


Thank You for Your never-ending love and goodness. Give us an abundance of joy and peace in 2023. Help us keep our eyes fixed upon You and let us experience Your love every day. Help us be content in all circumstances and know You are all we need to live abundantly. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you experience more of Christ’s love and live abundantly every day in 2023.


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On this beautiful winter day, it’s refreshing to rest in the love of Christ and ponder the true meaning of Christmas. Christ came to redeem us and give new life. God’s gift of the Savior is truly what gives meaning to our lives. His love, joy, peace, hope, faith, and the never-ending list of heavenly treasures are the true riches of life.

Christ is truly the best gift that we will ever receive.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Christ. Thank You for the gift of eternal life that You have given us through Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect sacrifice to redeem us. Thank You for all that He gives us and how He enables us to live with an abundance of hope, joy, peace, and love. I give praise to our amazing Savior, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Let us continually rejoice over the gifts You have given us through a loving relationship with You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May your Christmas and coming year be filled with all of the glorious riches of Christ.




As I was talking with a friend yesterday about the Lord, I began telling her that peace is what the world needs more than anything else. Christ’s peace is one of the greatest gifts of life. Jesus is peace. His peace is like no other peace. It’s a peace that truly transcends our understanding.

When my son was suicidal years ago, I was amazed at the perfect peace Christ gave me. The Lord held me in His arms and flooded my soul with peace even in the moments that I did not know if my beloved child was alive or not. Since that day, I have rejoiced almost continually over Christ’s awesome gift of peace.

My desire is that an entire generation will be awakened and know that only Christ can give a person an unshakable peace in the soul. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You to guard our hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Awaken millions of souls to the reality of their need for Christ’s peace. Let the CHURCH take hold of all that You came to the earth to give mankind, and help us live in harmony with each other. Let us look to You when we are grieving and let us trust You wholeheartedly to carry us through every battle. Help us to continually turn away from fear, let us rest in knowing You do impossible things, and enable us to walk in strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:9

May your heart be filled with Christ’s indescribable peace this Christmas.



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Years ago, I was pondering what I thought Jesus would want to say to us at Easter time, and these words flooded into my heart:

“I am risen! Celebrate My resurrection. Come live fully in Me every moment of every day. Don’t give one thought to the difficulties of life on the earth. You can rest in knowing these are light and momentary troubles compared to the glory of HEAVEN. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and on eternal things not seen. As you live in Me, you will rise up on eagles’ wings and soar continually. Don’t be afraid of anything I ask you to do. Simply obey Me. Live in the fullness of My joy. Shout to the world of My goodness. Glorify My name so that those in need of Me will know the truth of who I am. Let this day be a day of new beginnings—a day to rejoice in My perfect love for you. My heart longs for you, My beloved bride. I am coming back for you and will live with you for all eternity. Come with Me to high places and never stop singing praises over all you have found in the gift of the cross.”

I pray that you are inspired to trust Jesus more in the coming days. May your soul be refreshed as you celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Happy Easter!

Amy 🌻🌻🌻

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This post is a shortened piece that I posted previously.


The beauty of the springtime flowers is breathtaking. Every year, as the wintertime barrenness is overtaken by new life, it simply amazes me. During my walks, I’ve noticed the flowers peeking through the dirt, ready to burst forth.

The plants that were lying dormant were showing signs of life even before the weather changed. The blooms on the trees and flowers were obviously ready and waiting to come alive as soon as the first sign of warmth emerged in the atmosphere.

As I’ve been reflecting on the emerging beauty of the new season, it made me think of the resurrection of Christ and His power to resurrect life out of the barren places in our souls.

Just as the seasons change—the condition of our hearts change when we turn away from those things that deaden our spirits (see Ephesians 4: 22-24).

In my past, there were yucky things embedded in my heart: bitterness, fear, pride, and on and on the list goes. These sins were keeping me from experiencing a beautiful, new life in Christ. The day I realized how simple it is to live fully alive and free in Christ, I received a new heart and never looked back to the past.

Christ died an agonizing death so that we can live abundantly and eternally free from all the things that weigh us down. When we stumble, we can simply pray, “Lord, please forgive me for that mistake.” Then Jesus embraces us in our brokenness, and His reply is always filled with love:

“Yes, beloved one, you are forgiven for every mistake you’ve ever made and every mistake you’ll ever make in the future. Rise up and live with no regrets, and let Me help you walk in the Spirit, free from the grips of sin and shame and doubt and all things that burden your soul.”

As Jesus hung on the cross in agony, He said, “It is finished.” We do not ever have to agonize over our failures or mistakes again.

Are you living in the finished work of the cross?

My prayer is that you will breathe in the loveliness of the springtime flowers and revel in the beauty of Christ’s magnificent gift to mankind.

Have a blessed Easter!

Amy 🌻🌻🌻

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This post is a shortened and revised piece that I posted previously in 2015.