Hands of Love Bunk Beds

The Bible tells us that the religion our heavenly Father accepts as pure and faultless is to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world (James 1:27).

Orphaned children and widowed women desperately need to see the love of Christ. As we reach out to orphans and widows, we find the deepest joy by showing Christ’s compassion to the ones in greatest need.

With the goal of making a difference in the world, we are passionate about helping orphans and widows through the ministries Christ has led us to help. Please join us in praying for the ministries listed below and please help support those in need as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Perspective Ministries

Life Outreach International

Engraved Orphan Ministry




2 Thoughts on “ORPHANS & WIDOWS

  1. I have some of the orphans and widows in our church in Sierra Leone that they need support but we don’t have money to support them
    I also have some of the orphans their photos
    thanks to you for your supporting them

    • Amy Lynne on December 19, 2018 at 3:47 pm said:

      Dear Solomon,

      Thanks so much for your compassionate heart for the orphaned children and widows in your church in Sierra Leone. My husband (Michael) and I are currently committed to helping orphans and widows through a number of ministries in our country and around the world. We would love to support more ministries; however, God has not provided us with the finances to support more than a small number of ministries each year. Please leave the name of your church or provide the website link in a comment. We will pray for Christ’s provision for your church and we will trust Christ to provide finances for the people in need at your church. We hope we can help more ministries in the future, including the people in Sierra Leone.

      May Christ bless you always.

      With prayers,
      Amy and Michael

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