Let’s pray passionately and trust God more to do impossible things.
Thank You for giving hope and new life. Let 2025 be the best year ever as we trust You to give us strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help us stay on Your divine path for each one of us and let Your awesome plans be firmly established in our lives. Give us more faith to pray mountain-moving prayers and let us walk hand in hand with You continually.
Let us draw closer to Your heart and experience Your presence in powerful ways. Guide us in our decisions and help us grow spiritually every day. Protect us from harm and give us strength for each battle we face. Help us to be courageous and use us for Your glory in many ways. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
May you have a blessed and powerful year in 2025!
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Faith requires us to keep our eyes on Christ and His promises.
God’s promises will be birthed in your life if you pray, surrender to God, and trust Him wholeheartedly. While this present world is filled with uncertainties, you may draw near to God and be filled with peace. His ways may not make sense at the moment, but if you remain steadfast, you will see God’s beauty arise out of every loss and trial.
What I have planned for your life, MY child, is so much better than anything you could ever imagine. Rest in ME. Be encouraged by the fact that MY ways are so much greater than your ways. I am working behind the scenes and I will work things out for your good. Trust ME and seek ME wholeheartedly. Don’t try to figure things out; just simply walk with ME and talk with ME. Keep ME as Your sole focus and listen for MY guiding voice to lead each step of your way.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your amazing love and goodness. Your loving-kindness never fails and Your mercy endures forever. Thank You that You have better plans for our lives than any of us could ever imagine. Thank You for turning every trial into a triumphant victory as we trust You wholeheartedly. Help us to never jump ahead of You and empower us to continue to wait patiently for the awesome new beginnings You have for our lives. Help us to always know that Your ways are so much higher than our ways and Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
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As a side note: WHISPERS FROM JESUS are words—inspired by the scriptures—that I can imagine the Lord whispering to my heart. These words are intended to uplift my readers, and my greatest intention (for being a writer) is that you will be encouraged to grow closer to Jesus, enjoy reading the Bible, and hear God’s voice in your own heart.
All things are possible with God. If you are in the midst of something hard, don’t lose faith. Disbelief stirs up nothing but darkness. I have seen the wonder-working power of prayer transform every disappointment into something beautiful and joyous.
Jesus will win every battle for those who wholeheartedly seek after Him and trust in Him. He heals broken hearts and restores what’s been lost.
Do not give up and continue praying in faith. God helps those who seek Him and wait on Him.
The Lord has great plans for every believer who trusts Him. Be confident and know that God wants to use you to bring hope to the world.
I will go wherever I am called upon to help those who trust in Me. I will heal the brokenhearted and restore what has been lost.
Thank You for being the HOPE of the world. Thank You for being the only ONE who fills our souls with indescribable peace and abundant joy every day. Strengthen us with Your Holy Spirit today and always. Help us to be hope-bearers and let us shine Your light everywhere we go. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
May you see the goodness of God today and every day.
Grace & peace,
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Our world is in desperate need of fervent prayer. Many people are in turmoil right now, but Christ will make a way through every crisis we ever face in this life as we release our burdens to Him. Now is the time to rise up in faith and pray more boldly than ever before.
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus around the world, our prayers are needed desperately. There is no reason to fear when we have Christ as our anchor.
As we cling to Christ and pray, He will rescue us.
Christ is always working things out behind the scenes, long before we can see any evidence of His solutions. The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Jesus said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).”
Christ is the calm in every storm. He gives perfect peace and rest in the soul. He performs miracles and restores lives. He is the SAVIOR and the HOPE of the world. He is mightier than the coronavirus and He brings beauty to replace sorrow. Jesus will make a way through these days of battling this pandemic as we cry out to Him and fully depend on His strength.
This is perhaps the most urgent time of our generation to pray without ceasing. Please join me in praying passionately and fervently in the days ahead. It is very powerful when we stand in faith together, so I hope you will pray together with your family.
A Prayer for Peace
Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You to guard our hearts and minds continually with Christ’s perfect peace. Let us release our burdens to You and wait expectantly for new miracles. Let us take hold of all that You came to the earth to give us. Let us look to You and trust You wholeheartedly to carry us through every trial and every crisis. Help every believer in Christ to turn away from fear and rest in knowing that You do impossible things. Help us to walk in strong faith and trust You to rescue our world from the current pandemic. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Thank You for walking with us through every trial and bringing forth miracles when our circumstances seem impossible. Thank You for being our shield and protector. I ask You to surround our families with an army of angels and protect us from illness. Protect us by the power of Your blood and keep us in the shadow of Your wings. Let us be keenly aware of Your love and presence every day. Help us to rest in You and know that You watch over us as we trust You. Increase our faith and help us to release our burdens to You moment by moment. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Thank You for Your constant love and healing power. I ask You to bless and heal the ones who are sick. I decree the blood of Christ over all the people who are sick with the coronavirus or any other illness. I ask You to touch them with Your healing hands and bring an end to their suffering. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Thank You for being close to those who are brokenhearted. Draw near to those who are walking through the pain of losing a loved one. Comfort the ones who are crushed in spirit. Let those who are grieving feel Your compassion and love. Surround the grieving people with Your presence and peace. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Thank You for Your unfailing love and mercy. Thank You for being our strength and for never leaving our side. Forgive us for trying to figure things out without You at times and let us turn away from all fear. I ask You to anoint the medical people with Your Holy Spirit power. Give them wisdom for developing a vaccine and medicine to help eradicate the coronavirus. I ask You to bring a mighty medical breakthrough that will eliminate the spread of the virus. I pray in Christ’s name.
Thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank You for restoring all that is broken and redeeming every difficult situation. I ask You to be with our government leaders and guide them in their decisions. Help them not to react in fear. Let them draw near to You to get wisdom and knowledge. Help all the leaders around the world to find strength in You during this time of trouble. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
As followers of Christ, we are called to choose faith over fear and trust Him wholeheartedly to work in the midst of excruciating trials. May we all stand strong with faith-filled hearts and pray boldly for miracles to come forth in the days ahead.
If you didn’t read the post I wrote about conquering fear, you may want to read it (the link is below). Remember that God is with you!
Prayer is like breathing and connects us to our lifeline—Jesus Christ. Prayer changes circumstances and changes lives. Prayer changes us from the inside out and makes every single day worth living because we are connecting with the creator of the universe.
Christ has all the answers to all of life’s problems. When you need strength, fall to your knees and say: “Lord, help me.” Draw near to Christ and release your concerns to Him. Pray without ceasing by surrendering your thoughts to Christ and seeking Him above everything else. Trust the Lord with all your heart and let prayer change your life.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being the anchor of our lives and giving us the breath in our lungs. Fill us up with more of Your Holy Spirit and empower us to be all You created us to be. Let us live as mighty men and women of prayer every day. Let us draw near to You continually and let us walk closely with You through our prayers. Woo us into Your arms and onto our knees throughout each day. Let us pray without ceasing and let us give thanks continually for all You’ve given us through Jesus Christ. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
Pain is a universal problem in the world. There is not a way to make it through this life without experiencing losses and struggles. I do not believe God causes pain, but He lovingly takes our painful experiences and turns them into something beautiful as we trust Him wholeheartedly. Depending on our perspective, the pain we experience in life can be the fuel to catapult us into our greatest purpose for living.
In the past, my family went through some very difficult financial challenges due to my husband’s failed businesses and job losses, yet my soul rejoices over all of it. Christ supernaturally carried us through every difficulty. He abundantly restored our finances with a new career for my husband, and we grew closer to God’s heart as a result of the desperate times of our past. I would happily do it all over again because of the eternal treasures my family and I gained in the midst of those painful hardships.
On a day of volunteering at a ministry that provides food to people in need, I was able to see clearly how God uses pain in our lives.
The rest of the story is posted over at DaySpring’s (in)courage . Please click on the link below to read, The Purpose of Pain, a story I wrote in 2014.
Joy exudes from within the souls of those who know that Jesus Christ is the resurrected son of God and those who have experienced His transforming love. Christ is the greatest gift to mankind and His resurrection is the reason we can live abundantly even in the midst of a chaotic world.
The resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead is able to lift us out of the pits of despair as we place our trust in Him. Christ is truly the only one who has the power to rid our hearts from addictions, anxiety, bitterness, depression, fear, worry, and every other burdensome thing. In Christ, true abundant life exists because he sets our hearts free and releases us into the heavenly places where no darkness can abide.
On this Resurrection Sunday, I can imagine Jesus whispering words of love and grace to the world.
I am risen! Celebrate My resurrection. Come live fully in Me every moment of every day. Don’t give one thought to the difficulties of life on Earth. You can rest in knowing these are light and momentary troubles compared to the glory of Heaven. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and on eternal things not seen. As you live in Me, you will rise up on eagles’ wings and soar continually. Don’t be afraid of anything I ask you to do. Simply obey Me. Live in the fullness of My joy. Shout to the world of My goodness. Glorify My name so that those in need of Me will know the truth of who I am. Let this day be a day of new beginnings—a day to rejoice in My perfect love for you. My heart longs for you, My beloved bride. I am coming back for you and will live with you for all eternity. Come with Me to high places and never stop singing praises over all you have found in the gift of the cross.
May you experience Christ’s resurrection power in every area of your life and be filled to overflowing with resurrection joy.
Beloved Jesus,
We adore You and we are in awe of the sacrifice You made for us. Thank You for paying the penalty for all of our sins. Thank You for giving Your life so that we can live freely and eternally. Help us to experience Your resurrection power every day in miraculous ways. Let us receive all the gifts You have for our lives and help us to live as recipients of Your amazing grace every day. Help us to share Your love with those around us and invite others into a life-giving relationship with You. We love You with all our hearts and we pray in Your name, Christ. Amen.
Walking with Christ is the securest place to be when life is filled with hard challenges. It’s through a close relationship with Him that we can find perfect peace and hear His guiding voice in our hearts. The more we sit still and seek Christ through prayer, the more we can discern the direction He is leading us.
The Lord promises us that He will make firm the steps of those who delight in Him and He will uphold us with His hand.
When we turn to Christ in our hard moments, we can rest in His love, walk with confidence, and know He has us in the palms of His hands.
No matter what you may be facing today, Christ has good plans for you. Lean into Him when you’re afraid or hurting. He will strengthen you. You can trust Him because He is perfectly trustworthy.
Thank You for Your amazing love. Thank You for being our rock and rescuer. Help us when we stumble and keep us from falling into the darkness in the world. Give us strength when we are weak. May You always keep us in the palms of Your hands and lift us up daily. I pray in Your name, Christ. Amen.
I hope you enjoy my new favorite song by Aaron Cole. May Christ’s peace flood your soul and may you dance in the hard moments of life.
Grace and peace to you,
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In times of sorrow and tragedy, we can hold onto the hope that comes from our faith in Jesus Christ. As I was praying for those devastated by the recent school shootings, I thought about how our hope in Christ is the anchor of the soul.
Our ultimate hope is for a perfect and peaceful world when Christ returns to EARTH. Thankfully, even as we wait for His return, we can rejoice in the hope of His ability to restore and heal us in the midst of the painful trials of life.
As soon as I heard the news about the students shot earlier this week, I began praying for a miraculous healing for those who are wounded and praying for peace for those who are mourning.
Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
We can walk in hope and be patient in times of tribulation because of Christ’s promise to never leave or forsake us. As we trust Christ and persistently pray faith-filled prayers in His name, we will see miracles come out of the most horrific tragedies.
Hope is everywhere if we open our spiritual eyes. Three days ago, a praying woman set up a Facebook page and requested prayer for her young niece, Lily. The little girl, Lily, was in a near drowning accident and her family is praying and believing Christ to heal her completely.
The page “Prayers for Lily” has over 125,000 people connected to it already since Monday. Only Christ could orchestrate an army of praying people so quickly. Christ is on the move in amazing ways and I believe He will heal little Lily as the army of God prays passionately for her healing.
A few weeks ago, I followed another miracle story about two young children who were hospitalized for E.coli infections. One of the children, Jaxon, was extremely sick. Christ healed him and his sister as their family, friends, and countless people around the world prayed for them.
Christ is the hope of the world and His love will bring change as we pray.
Let’s hold onto Christ, our anchor, in the midst of our troubles and remain constant in prayer.
Thank You for being our anchor and healer. Our hearts are deeply saddened by the tragic shootings in the schools. I know You are filled with compassion for those families who are devastated. Please send Your ministering angels to be with those who are mourning and those who are injured in Benton, Kentucky and Italy, Texas. Please heal the ones who are in the hospital. Fill them with the hope and knowledge of Your eternal love. Keep them in the palm of Your hand and surround them with Your love and peace. Help all of us to keep our eyes fixed on You and trust You to do supernatural miracles in the midst of this tragedy. Please let us see Your hand working and let us not give up praying for the youth in our nation. We pray in Your name, Christ. Amen.
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Fear is one of the most paralyzing obstacles we deal with in life. If we’re being completely honest with each other, we all battle with fearful thoughts at times.
Fear can taunt us, but it cannot have any power over us when we are grounded in Christ. I was greatly encouraged in my quest to conquer fear after I had a powerful dream in my sleep last year.
In my dream, I was alone and trying to find my way home late at night after leaving an event. Unintentionally, I took a road that led to the top of a really high mountain. In the midst of the darkness, I could barely see my surroundings, but I kept on driving anyway. Suddenly, I began to get fearful as I realized I had taken the wrong road and I was on the side of a mountain. As I was turning the vehicle around, I could see I had reached the top without even being aware of it. With amazement, I thanked God for helping me make it safely to the top of a huge mountain in the dark. Then I was awakened from my sleep.
In the moments shortly after my dream, I sensed there was a message Christ wanted me to receive. It was as though He was saying: You have no reason to fear the darkness. I am with you. I will help you.
Fear has taunted me at times throughout my life and it has attempted to get me off course, but thankfully it has not succeeded in stopping me from living courageously.
I am determined not to let fear stop me from following Christ where He’s leading me. When I stand face to face with Christ, I want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” I don’t want Him to wonder why I let fear stop me from doing His will for my life.
Are you battling fears or feeling anxious about the future? Do you have moments when fear paralyzes you or prevents you from doing what you are called to do?
If we continually look to Christ and choose faith over fear, we will be totally free from fear’s grip.
As long as we’re on the earth, we’ll be tempted by fear, but it does not have to control our lives. There are a few strategies that help me overcome fear when it tempts me to give into it.
Praying passionately stops fear dead in its tracks. When I am tempted to give into fearful thoughts, I drop to my knees and pray wholeheartedly until Christ floods my soul with peace.
Meditating on the verses in the Bible is a powerful way to conquer anxious thoughts. The words of the Bible, especially the Psalms, have helped me mightily through the years. Meditating on the Psalms melts away anxiety and fear. If we are keeping our hearts fixed upon Christ and His Word, fearful thoughts cannot penetrate our minds.
Living a life of repentance breaks the chains of anxiety in our lives. Whenever I am feeling fearful, I ask Jesus if there is something in my life that is allowing unrest in my soul. Christ is always faithful to show me an unrealized sin that needs to be stripped out of my heart. Letting Christ sanctify us is a key factor in getting free from our fears. It’s amazing how peace floods into my soul instantaneously as I repent.
Worshiping in Spirit and in truth opens the door to peace. As we remain in an attitude of worship throughout each day, Christ’s indescribable peace remains within us. Worshiping by singing and listening to anointed songs is a powerful way to conquer fear.
Christ is calling us to go deeper in our relationship with Him so that we can crush fear under our feet and never be affected by it again. The deeper we go with Christ, the more of His glory will be released in our lives. No dark force can stand up against the glory and power of Jesus Christ. With Christ guiding and strengthening us, we have nothing to fear.
May you live fearlessly and step boldly into the destiny Christ has for your life.
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