Tag Archives: Prayer For The New Year


It’s a great time to ask God to give us more faith and trust Him to do what seems impossible throughout the year.

Matthew 17:20 (The Voice) says: “Because you have so little faith. I tell you this: if you had even a faint spark of faith, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and because of your faith, the mountain would move. If you had just a sliver of faith, you would find nothing impossible.”

Let’s pray passionately and trust God more to do impossible things.


Thank You for giving hope and new life. Let 2025 be the best year ever as we trust You to give us strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help us stay on Your divine path for each one of us and let Your awesome plans be firmly established in our lives. Give us more faith to pray mountain-moving prayers and let us walk hand in hand with You continually.

Let us draw closer to Your heart and experience Your presence in powerful ways. Guide us in our decisions and help us grow spiritually every day. Protect us from harm and give us strength for each battle we face. Help us to be courageous and use us for Your glory in many ways. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

May you have a blessed and powerful year in 2025! 🌻

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It’s a new year and a new beginning. There is no better time to renew our spirits and jump excitedly into the great things God has for each one of us. Life is like a mountain road full of unexpected turns, steep climbs, and downhill slopes. It’s an amazing ride filled with a gamut of emotion. There are sorrows and celebrations in all of our lives. Life will never be perfect. But it is glorious when we rest in Christ’s love.

The love of Christ makes us look heavenward so that every difficulty in this life becomes like a vapor in the wind. His love brings beauty into the most painful circumstances. His love covers the soul with peace, joy, and goodness. His love is better than anything else.

During the past year, Christ’s love has shaken me in ways I could have never dreamed of. It has been a year of spiritual growth and drawing closer to Christ.

I believe that 2023 will be a year for many people to draw closer to the heart of Christ. I can feel it in my bones…His love is rocking the world like never before. Nothing excites me more than watching others get shaken by God’s love.

Are you ready for Jesus to knock your socks off with His love?

With excitement for the year ahead, I’m sharing my mantra (life verse) again: Christ never promised that the road would be easy, but He did promise an abundant life. Jesus said: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”


Thank You for Your never-ending love and goodness. Give us an abundance of joy and peace in 2023. Help us keep our eyes fixed upon You and let us experience Your love every day. Help us be content in all circumstances and know You are all we need to live abundantly. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you experience more of Christ’s love and live abundantly every day in 2023.


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