Tag Archives: Tribulations


In times of sorrow and tragedy, we can hold onto the hope that comes from our faith in Jesus Christ. As I was praying for those devastated by the recent school shootings, I thought about how our hope in Christ is the anchor of the soul.

Our ultimate hope is for a perfect and peaceful world when Christ returns to EARTH. Thankfully, even as we wait for His return, we can rejoice in the hope of His ability to restore and heal us in the midst of the painful trials of life.

As soon as I heard the news about the students shot earlier this week, I began praying for a miraculous healing for those who are wounded and praying for peace for those who are mourning.

Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

We can walk in hope and be patient in times of tribulation because of Christ’s promise to never leave or forsake us. As we trust Christ and persistently pray faith-filled prayers in His name, we will see miracles come out of the most horrific tragedies.

Hope is everywhere if we open our spiritual eyes. Three days ago, a praying woman set up a Facebook page and requested prayer for her young niece, Lily. The little girl, Lily, was in a near drowning accident and her family is praying and believing Christ to heal her completely.

The page “Prayers for Lily” has over 125,000 people connected to it already since Monday. Only Christ could orchestrate an army of praying people so quickly. Christ is on the move in amazing ways and I believe He will heal little Lily as the army of God prays passionately for her healing.

A few weeks ago, I followed another miracle story about two young children who were hospitalized for E.coli infections. One of the children, Jaxon, was extremely sick. Christ healed him and his sister as their family, friends, and countless people around the world prayed for them.

Christ is the hope of the world and His love will bring change as we pray.

Let’s hold onto Christ, our anchor, in the midst of our troubles and remain constant in prayer.

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain (Hebrews 6:19). 

Beloved Jesus,

Thank You for being our anchor and healer. Our hearts are deeply saddened by the tragic shootings in the schools. I know You are filled with compassion for those families who are devastated. Please send Your ministering angels to be with those who are mourning and those who are injured in Benton, Kentucky and Italy, Texas. Please heal the ones who are in the hospital. Fill them with the hope and knowledge of Your eternal love. Keep them in the palm of Your hand and surround them with Your love and peace. Help all of us to keep our eyes fixed on You and trust You to do supernatural miracles in the midst of this tragedy. Please let us see Your hand working and let us not give up praying for the youth in our nation. We pray in Your name, Christ. Amen.

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