Shortly after awakening this morning, Michael said, “I sent you something. Go check your email.” After hearing the happy tone of his voice, I knew it was something special he wanted me to see. I hurried over to my computer and my heart leapt when I read the words of the message. In the message, there were lyrics and a video of a brand new song by Keith Urban.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I sat at my desk and listened to the new song. Michael said, “It’s my song for you.” I listened to it repeatedly and said, “It really is the perfect song for when you first met me.” He replied, “Yes, and it’s the perfect song for you today. You’ve helped me so much.”

As the day went on, I pondered Michael’s words. I love the fact that Michael appreciates who I am and what I’ve offered him during the three and a half decades we’ve been married. I am grateful that I could help my husband in so many ways, but I give Christ all of the credit, because it was Him working through me. Christ’s love flowed through me to love Michael through his darkest valleys and greatest disappointments.

While I listened to the new song many times today, it served as a beautiful reminder of the glorious and miraculous things Christ has done in our lives as a married couple. As I listened to the song’s lyrics, my mind was flooded with memories of all that Christ carried us through since we got married in 1985. I thought about the years that Michael was barely hanging on to live his life as he battled through clinical depression. I thought about the many times Michael battled suicidal thoughts in previous years. I thought about the brokenness we had in our marriage during our younger years, and I thanked God again for the miracles He has done to help Michael become a new man.

As I recalled the amazing miracles Christ did in Michael’s life, I wept tears of joy and thought about Christ’s miraculous power that pulled me out of my post-partum depression in 1997.  The only reason we both made it through those hellish days was the fact that Christ pulled us out of a deep, dark pit and redeemed our lives. God made both of us brand new (Corinthians 5:17).

When we were wading through the muck that seemed to hold us captive in the dark, I could have never dreamed we would be standing strongly together, hand in hand with Christ. He redeemed us with His amazing grace and love.

Through prayer, our marriage was rebuilt firmly on Christ’s love, and His grace is what keeps us going forward together, growing closer to each other every day.

What Christ did for us, He will do for anyone. If our marriage could be healed, anyone’s can. If you are facing a situation in your marriage that seems impossible to overcome, turn to Christ and surrender it all to Him.

You will be amazed by the results of praying a simple prayer: “God, help us through the miry mess.”

Pray together and watch Christ transform your lives. Let Christ and His love change your hearts toward each other. A marriage built on Christ’s love won’t ever fail, because love never fails.



Thank You for the gift of marriage. Thank You for being our ROCK and REDEEMER. Thank You for Your amazing love and grace. Thank You for rescuing us out of the horrible pit and miry mess. Thank You for making all things possible and bringing forth miracles in our lives. Thank You for hearing our prayers and healing us when we’re broken. Let us pray together often and have strong marriages firmly built on Christ’s love. We will praise You forever and ever. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

“He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.” Psalm 40:2 (NKJV) 


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