Americans will forever remember September 11, 2001. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost in the horrific attacks by terrorists. On this 20th anniversary of that devastating day, I’ve been praying and pondering the memories of the tragedy.

My prayer is that the believers in Christ will unite and pray in unity for God to protect our country and other nations from these evil acts of terror.

Jesus Christ is the world’s only hope. The terrorists need the salvation of Jesus. Every human on the face of the earth needs to encounter Christ and be saved.

Let’s pray continually for America and pray passionately for a worldwide revival that will bring forth the salvation of billions of souls around the world.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your never-ending mercy and grace. Help us to never forget the heroes of this country and let us remember the ones who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Bless and comfort those who are mourning. Bring healing to the ones who have been deeply traumatized.

Protect America from future acts of terrorism and keep Your hand upon our country. Help Americans to be a strong group of united people and let us be an undivided nation. Strengthen us and empower us to walk in unity with one another.

Let the CHURCH in America turn away from complacency and return to You wholeheartedly. Help all of God’s people to pray consistently for the nations of the world to be protected from terrorists. Help us stand boldly in faith and trust You to restore our nation. 

Bring forth the most powerful prayer movement and revival that the world has ever seen. Let billions of people be saved around the world in the months and years ahead. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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