My heart is filled with tremendous compassion for the people suffering in Turkey and Syria. Let’s pray fervently.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being our healer and rescuer. Wrap Your loving arms around the ones who are suffering in Turkey and Syria. Draw near to those who have experienced devastation from the earthquake and bring peace to those who have been deeply traumatized. Bring solace to those who are mourning and bring healing to those who are injured. Bring comfort and hope to the ones feeling hopeless.
Send countless workers to help with the rescue efforts. Strengthen the medical staff as they work to help the devastated people. Pour out Your Spirit in a mighty way and wash away the pain with Your love. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in Turkey and Syria. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word, “grace?” The word evokes many thoughts in my heart. But the very first thought that grace brings to my mind is the God who created the world.
God is grace. The Bible tells us the Lord is gracious and merciful.
Psalm 103:8 says: “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. ”
Joel 2:13 says: “And rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in loving-kindness and relenting of evil.”
I consider myself to be gracious and compassionate in the way I think and act. It’s evident in the way people freely confess their sins to me. I’ve had a number of women share their secrets with me about their struggles to remain faithful in their marriages. I’ve learned so much about grace through the confessions of these ladies.
I remember a time when a woman confessed to me that she was considering leaving her husband and family to be with another man. I wept as I prayed for her and asked the Lord, “What should I say to this woman?” I knew it was very important to speak the truth in love. In these types of situations, it is so important to display the heart of God to those who don’t truly know Him. Many times we can blurt out the first thing that pops into our heads such as, Oh my goodness…are you crazy? But I sought the Lord for the words to say to the one tempted to leave her family. And Jesus gave me the perfect words filled with His grace.
Many are confused about grace. Grace is not an excuse for being disobedient—it is a reason to be completely obedient to God. His abounding grace should be what causes us to want to obey Him perfectly.
A child is much more apt to listen to a loving, gracious parent, than to one who screams at them in anger and rage. A child wants to please the loving parent. It’s the same way with the Lord. I obey God’s commands because I know how very much He loves me, and I don’t want to do anything to disturb the closeness I have with Him.
Isaiah 59:2 (Amplified Bible) says: “But your wickedness has separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.”
I don’t want to be away from Jesus for even one minute, let alone one hour or a week. He has become everything to me. It’s Christ’s amazing grace that draws me to Him. I would rather have my head served on a platter than do anything that would spoil my fellowship with Jesus. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for me and for all believers to walk in unity with the Lord. My desire is for myself and others to be one with Christ and share His grace with all those we come in contact with.
On the day I talked with the woman about her temptation to leave her family, my words penetrated her heart. She heard through my voice how deeply God loved her, and that He didn’t want her to mess up her life.
I exhaled a breath that felt big enough to knock over a large building when she told me she had chosen to stay in her marriage and make things work with her husband. Many years later, they are happily married. I believe it was the grace of God displayed through my life that helped her make the right choice.
God’s love is abounding. Until the second coming of Christ, may we—His followers—continually display His extravagant grace.
Enjoy Jesus!
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It’s a new year and a new beginning. There is no better time to renew our spirits and jump excitedly into the great things God has for each one of us. Life is like a mountain road full of unexpected turns, steep climbs, and downhill slopes. It’s an amazing ride filled with a gamut of emotion. There are sorrows and celebrations in all of our lives. Life will never be perfect. But it is glorious when we rest in Christ’s love.
The love of Christ makes us look heavenward so that every difficulty in this life becomes like a vapor in the wind. His love brings beauty into the most painful circumstances. His love covers the soul with peace, joy, and goodness. His love is better than anything else.
During the past year, Christ’s love has shaken me in ways I could have never dreamed of. It has been a year of spiritual growth and drawing closer to Christ.
I believe that 2023 will be a year for many people to draw closer to the heart of Christ. I can feel it in my bones…His love is rocking the world like never before. Nothing excites me more than watching others get shaken by God’s love.
Are you ready for Jesus to knock your socks off with His love?
With excitement for the year ahead, I’m sharing my mantra (life verse) again: Christ never promised that the road would be easy, but He did promise an abundant life. Jesus said: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Thank You for Your never-ending love and goodness. Give us an abundance of joy and peace in 2023. Help us keep our eyes fixed upon You and let us experience Your love every day. Help us be content in all circumstances and know You are all we need to live abundantly. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
May you experience more of Christ’s love and live abundantly every day in 2023.
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On this beautiful winter day, it’s refreshing to rest in the love of Christ and ponder the true meaning of Christmas. Christ came to redeem us and give new life. God’s gift of the Savior is truly what gives meaning to our lives. His love, joy, peace, hope, faith, and the never-ending list of heavenly treasures are the true riches of life.
Christ is truly the best gift that we will ever receive.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of Christ. Thank You for the gift of eternal life that You have given us through Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect sacrifice to redeem us. Thank You for all that He gives us and how He enables us to live with an abundance of hope, joy, peace, and love. I give praise to our amazing Savior, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Let us continually rejoice over the gifts You have given us through a loving relationship with You. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
May your Christmas and coming year be filled with all of the glorious riches of Christ.
As I was talking with a friend yesterday about the Lord, I began telling her that peace is what the world needs more than anything else. Christ’s peace is one of the greatest gifts of life. Jesus is peace. His peace is like no other peace. It’s a peace that truly transcends our understanding.
When my son was suicidal years ago, I was amazed at the perfect peace Christ gave me. The Lord held me in His arms and flooded my soul with peace even in the moments that I did not know if my beloved child was alive or not. Since that day, I have rejoiced almost continually over Christ’s awesome gift of peace.
My desire is that an entire generation will be awakened and know that only Christ can give a person an unshakable peace in the soul.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You to guard our hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Awaken millions of souls to the reality of their need for Christ’s peace. Let the CHURCH take hold of all that You came to the earth to give mankind, and help us live in harmony with each other. Let us look to You when we are grieving and let us trust You wholeheartedly to carry us through every battle. Help us to continually turn away from fear, let us rest in knowing You do impossible things, and enable us to walk in strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
May your heart be filled with Christ’s indescribable peace this Christmas.
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Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Our children and the youth of the world need Christ’s light more than they need anything else. This Christmas season, I’m continuing to pray for revival and a great spiritual awakening among the younger generation.
Thank You for being a light for the youth to follow. Help the children of the world and the younger generation turn to You as their Savior. Revive the hearts of countless young people around the world. Bring millions of souls into Your kingdom in the days and months ahead.
Help our sons and daughters live in Your light. Help them to live fully surrendered to You each day of their lives. Give them the desire to seek You wholeheartedly through prayer and reading the Bible. Let them turn to You for guidance and strength. Teach them to trust You and know You deeper every day. Surround them with a wall of protection and watch over them always. Let Your word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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I am in awe of Jesus Christ every day. In the midst of the spiritual battles, Jesus continues to do amazing miracles. Jesus is working mightily in the lives of the younger generation. Our prayers are birthing a revival that will bring forth positive changes in this broken world. I believe with all my heart that ‘Generation Z’ will be the greatest generation of all time. They will lead the end time revival, and millions of lives will be saved. Our sons and daughters will be filled with God’s glory and be mighty warriors for Christ’s kingdom. Hallelujah.
Thank You for loving us so deeply. We are looking to You for answers for the generation of children of this present age. We are desperate to see You intervene on behalf of the teens and the younger generations in our communities. I ask You to pour out Your Spirit upon all the youth of the world and let them draw near to You. Rescue the ones who are surrounded by darkness and let them walk in Your light every day. Let them experience Your peace and bring healing to their souls. Deliver the adolescent ones from every addiction. Take away every suicidal thought and let them turn away from violence. Help the youth of the world turn away from all destructive behaviors and stay away from violent activities. Help them to stop bullying and to begin showing kindness to each other. Help them to stop looking to social media sites to get their worth and let them look to You to find their true callings. Fill the youthful ones with a great revelation of Your love and let them turn their hearts toward You. Awaken the souls of countless adolescents and let them be filled with a great measure of Your Holy Spirit. Surround them with Your presence and guard them from the arrows of the evil one. Draw them into Your arms and give them an insatiable desire to know You better. Let them discover Your grace and live by Your Spirit all the days of their lives.
Turn every stumbling block into a stepping stone that leads them to their destinies. Let Your will be done in their lives and help them to be great leaders. Let the younger generation share the gospel message with passion and power. Let our youth rise up and grow into strong warriors for Christ who live with purpose. I trust You to raise up a generation of passionate Christ-followers who will bring change to this broken world and live as children of light. I stand in faith and pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
The prayer in this post is an excerpt from THE DESPERATE MOM’S PRAYER BOOK (CHAPTER 1).
Summertime symbolizes so many different things. It’s a time to rest and slow down. It’s a time to enjoy all the beautiful flowers that thrive in the heat. It’s a time to be still and relax in the moments of vacation days.
When I think of all my summertime memories, I think of lying in a hammock with a good book. I think of picnics and watermelons.
I think of jumping in the refreshing, cool water after a jog. I think of crossing the finish line at the Peachtree Road Race. I think of fireworks on the Fourth of July. I think of catching fireflies in a jar and playing ‘hide-and-seek’ with the kids when they were growing up.
I think of camping and walking on the beach at dusk. I think of romance. I think of candlelight dinners on the porch. I think of the sweetness of fresh blueberries and the sunflowers coming into full bloom.
I have countless memories of summer days. But most of all, summertime reminds me of Jesus. He draws us into rest. He calls us to slow down and find refreshment in Him. He gives us more excitement than a fireworks show and carries us through to the finish line when we’re struggling to carry on. He makes life beautiful in the same way that summertime brings forth vibrant flowers.
Christ brings perfect rest to the soul and beckons us to lean into Him when we’re weary.
On this beautiful summer day, I can imagine Jesus whispering: “Come to Me and find what your soul is longing for. Come and find rest in your spirit and mind. I am here waiting to embrace you with My love.”
Are you enjoying the rest that comes from leaning into Christ? I pray you will enjoy all the beauty of summer and experience the sweetness of God’s unwavering love.
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This post is a revised piece that I wrote and posted previously.
The love of a father is what every person in the world desires and needs. However, in this broken world, there are many children and adults who don’t have a loving father. Thankfully, our FATHER IN HEAVEN loves us with an everlasting and unconditional love.
On this FATHER’S DAY, I’m praying that every hurting person (child or adult) will experience the amazing gift of God’s perfect love.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your everlasting love. I am asking You to comfort the sons and daughters who are without a father today. Hold them close in Your arms and let them know that You are a GOOD FATHER. Give them a great revelation of Your love and heal their pain. Reveal Your love to them in beautiful ways and fill the void by sending a trustworthy spiritual mentor who can help guide and lead them through their lives. Let them walk with confidence and faith in Your ability to meet the desires of their hearts. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
May God’s love fill the void in the hearts of the ones in need of a good father today.
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There are countless sons and daughters who grew up knowing Christ, loving Him as children. Yet they chose to turn away from God as they grew into adults. The story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) is encouraging and reveals the radical love of our HEAVENLY FATHER. God’s love is relentless, and He always receives the rebellious ones with open arms.
This year, I have been sensing in my spirit that the prodigal sons and daughters are beginning to be awakened spiritually. I believe that they are being drawn by the FATHER’S love and will be returning to the Lord with a greater zeal than they’ve ever had before.
Let’s pray passionately for the prodigal sons and daughters to be set free from destructive paths and pray fervently for them to be the ones that bring the greatest changes in our world.
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Thank You for pouring out Your Spirit upon all of the sons and daughters who have turned away from You. Destroy the works of darkness that have attempted to thwart Your good plans for their lives. Help them to turn away from destructive paths and live faithfully by Your Spirit. Open their spiritual eyes and help them to see that You are the way, truth, and life.
Draw them into Your loving arms and hold them close to Your heart. Give them a powerful revelation of Your love and bring them back to a relationship with You. Help them to feel Your presence continually and heal every hurting place in their hearts. Give them the desire to grow closer to You and follow You all the days of their lives.
Baptize the prodigal sons and daughters with Your Holy Spirit and let them draw near to You every day. Help them become mighty warriors for Your kingdom and be shining examples of Your transforming power. Help them to be the strong men and women of God they are called to be. Help them to stay focused on You and follow Your guiding voice every day. Let them be pure in Your sight and be used by You to bring the greatest changes in our world. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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