Tag Archives: Prayer For The Fatherless


The love of a father is what every person in the world desires and needs. However, in this broken world, there are many children and adults who don’t have a loving father. Thankfully, our FATHER IN HEAVEN loves us with an everlasting and unconditional love.

On this FATHER’S DAY, I’m praying that every hurting person (child or adult) will experience the amazing gift of God’s perfect love.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your everlasting love. I am asking You to comfort the sons and daughters who are without a father today. Hold them close in Your arms and let them know that You are a GOOD FATHER. Give them a great revelation of Your love and heal their pain. Reveal Your love to them in beautiful ways and fill the void by sending a trustworthy spiritual mentor who can help guide and lead them through their lives. Let them walk with confidence and faith in Your ability to meet the desires of their hearts. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May God’s love fill the void in the hearts of the ones in need of a good father today.

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