Tag Archives: Fully Alive


On this NEW YEAR’S EVE, I’m pondering the goodness of Christ. The story of our dog Zoe reminds me that God is involved in every detail—both big and small—as we live surrendered to His plans for us.

Miraculously, God brought Zoe into my mother’s life at the perfect time. My step-dad (Ron) was battling cancer when a kindhearted dog breeder greatly blessed him with a beautiful wheaten terrier puppy, free of charge. While Ron was in the midst of his final days on the earth, Zoe entered the picture as a rambunctious puppy. Zoe’s personality brought us much needed comfort as she flooded the room with exuberant life.

At the time, my mom shared with me about the Greek meaning of the name Zoe. It means “life.” Later, I learned that it specifically means “God’s life.” Our four-legged friend has definitely lived up to her name.

With her tail wagging at warp speed, Zoe licked Ron’s face while he was lying in the hospice bed getting closer to his eternal home. It was a beautiful symbol for us as we thought about how life here beneath the heavens is truly temporary. God used a little white dog to help remind us of this truth; and then joy emerged in the middle of the sadness.

About eighteen months after my step-dad’s death, my mom realized her traveling lifestyle wasn’t the best situation for taking care of a dog. She decided Zoe would be happier living with me and my husband. Zoe moved to our house in 2012 and has lived life zealously and reminded us of the faithfulness of our heavenly Father to bring joy during the hardest challenges.

As we begin a new year, my prayer is that we will all have a greater revelation of Christ’s perfect love for us and live fully alive no matter what we may face.

Christ loves us deeply, and He brings fullness of life even on the most troublesome days.


This post was originally written in 2015.