Author Archives: Live Abundantly Now


It’s a great time to ask God to give us more faith and trust Him to do what seems impossible throughout the year.

Matthew 17:20 (The Voice) says: “Because you have so little faith. I tell you this: if you had even a faint spark of faith, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and because of your faith, the mountain would move. If you had just a sliver of faith, you would find nothing impossible.”

Let’s pray passionately and trust God more to do impossible things.


Thank You for giving hope and new life. Let 2025 be the best year ever as we trust You to give us strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help us stay on Your divine path for each one of us and let Your awesome plans be firmly established in our lives. Give us more faith to pray mountain-moving prayers and let us walk hand in hand with You continually.

Let us draw closer to Your heart and experience Your presence in powerful ways. Guide us in our decisions and help us grow spiritually every day. Protect us from harm and give us strength for each battle we face. Help us to be courageous and use us for Your glory in many ways. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

May you have a blessed and powerful year in 2025! 🌻

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Joy to the world, the Lord has come, and He’s coming again! We can rejoice this Christmas and every day, because we have Christ as our Savior.

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) says: “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit according to the words in the book of Galatians. True joy is not something we can conjure up in our own strength, especially in hard seasons of life. Christ’s joy is supernatural and comes from walking in oneness with Christ. When we are one with Christ, and HE is our all in all, then we overflow with supernatural joy because of HIS constant presence in our lives.

Lasting (eternal) joy comes from knowing Christ. As we choose Christ above everything or anyone, joy will continue to overflow from our hearts.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect sacrifice to redeem us. Thank You for all that Jesus gives us. Thank You that Christ enables us to live with an abundance of joy, peace, love, hope, and faith when we feel like giving up. Thank You for carrying us when we’re weary and tired. Thank You for being everything we need in this broken world. Let us rejoice over the gifts You have given to us through our beloved Christ. Amen.


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My all-time favorite sermon titled “Love Your Enemies” delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the most powerful speech I’ve ever heard. Americans desperately need to heed the wisdom from this message delivered on November 17, 1957. Dr. King’s anointed words are just as relevant today as they were 67 years ago. Dr. King said: “Love is understanding creative redemptive goodwill for all men.”

Christ’s love is what the world needs more than anything else.

Matthew 5:43-48 says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

It’s easy to love the people who are kind to us and treat us well. The difficulty of loving comes when people are mean to us and treat us unfairly. Judgmental people who say unkind, critical words are the hardest people for me to love. But through Christ’s Spirit and power, I am able to love those who don’t love me.

I believe it’s only through the power of God that we can love our enemies and pray for the mean people to have a joyful life. The people who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most. Christ’s love flowing through us coupled with prayer will bring transformation.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It never fails.

We can make a huge difference in our world if we learn to love all people regardless of our differences and varying beliefs. God (LOVE) will transform our world if we will follow Christ’s command to love our enemies.

I am inspired by the words that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “I still have a dream…men will rise up and come to see that they are made to live together as brothers…” May Dr. King’s dream come true. May we always walk in love and live as peacemakers.

Let’s pray for the CHURCH to rise up and love one another as Christ taught us.


Thank You for Your grace and mercy that never ends. Help us to love our enemies with Your perfect love. Help us to love those who persecute us and spitefully use us. Let Your unconditional love be what the CHURCH is known for.

Bring unity and a spirit of brotherhood upon our land. Bring forth countless peacemakers in our country to bring change to our communities and help us live in harmony with each other. Let us all walk together in our diversities as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Let every person from every race or background be treated equally with respect and honor. Cover our cities with Your peace and protect our neighborhoods from civil unrest during the days ahead.

Show countless people Your radical love. Speak to the hearts of all the people who call You, “Lord.” Raise us up to be the CHURCH You want us to be. Let us rise up and become people who love You fully and love each other perfectly. Let Your perfect love rule in the hearts of all Your followers. Make us ready for Your return, without a blemish or stain.

Awaken millions of souls to the reality of their need for Christ’s love and peace. Let the greatest spiritual awakening spread across our world. Let us arise in fervent prayer until we see Your kingdom come and Your will be done in America. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

I hope you will listen to this powerful sermon…




While I have been crying out to God for America, I’ve sensed that many of God’s people are praying fervently and we at the cusp of seeing the greatest revival we’ve ever seen. As we keep our eyes focused on Christ and pray without ceasing, God will move on our behalf. Things may get worse before they get better, but God will keep His hand upon our country if we don’t give up praying.

Let’s pray passionately for God’s will to come forth in America.


Thank You for the good plans and vision You have for America. Thank You for reviving the hearts and changing the lives of countless people. Let revival break out in a powerful way this week as the tension is high in our nation. Cover our cities with Your peace and let the body of Christ pray more fervently than ever before.

Keep Your hand firmly placed upon our country. Heal our land and let our nation be filled with Your glory. Guard over the election process and ensure the votes will be counted in an honest way. Turn things around in our cities and let Your chosen ones be elected as our leaders. Bring forth the leaders who will help our country be safe, protect our freedom, and help our nation thrive. Let Americans elect a new PRESIDENT who will be filled with wisdom and help our nation become strong again.

Pour out a spirit of unity upon our nation and help us to forgive those who have hurt us. Let us show kindness and live in harmony with one another. Let the racial barriers come down in America and help us treat each other as brothers and sisters. Help us to be carriers of Your peace and let us be kind to those different than ourselves. Help us live humbly and walk in love toward all people. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Pray boldly!


Photo is by Freepik.


My heart is overflowing with compassionate prayers for the people who are experiencing tragic circumstances due to storms and other disasters. Thankfully, God’s love is being demonstrated through caring people to bring hope, healing, and restoration to the ones who were impacted by recent hurricanes.

With great hope for Christ’s second coming, I’m praying in faith as I focus on the merciful heart of God. We can rest in knowing natural disasters are NOT God’s judgment. We live in a fallen world. No one understands why horrific tragedy can exist. There are things we will never be able to understand in this life.

The Bible promises us that God’s mercy endures forever, and His grace is sufficient to carry us through every hard circumstance.

Psalm 136:1-9 (NKJV) says:

” Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.  Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever.  Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever:  To Him who alone does great wonders, For His mercy endures forever;  To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, For His mercy endures forever;  To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, For His mercy endures forever; To Him who made great lights, For His mercy endures forever—The sun to rule by day, For His mercy endures forever;  The moon and stars to rule by night, For His mercy endures forever.”

Psalm 103:8 (NKJV) says: “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.”

When tragedies occur in our communities, we can be vessels of Christ’s love and compassion. As followers of Christ, let us arise and share the gift of God’s mercy and grace with the hurting people who have no hope. May we pray fervently for miracles to come forth amidst the despair.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Surround the hurting people in America and other countries with Your comforting presence. Draw near to those who have experienced devastation from the hurricanes and bring peace to the ones who have been deeply traumatized. Comfort those who are mourning and bring hope to the ones feeling hopeless.

Send countless workers to help with the rescue and restoration efforts. Let miracles come forth and let supernatural provision continue in the days ahead. Pour out Your Spirit in a mighty way and bring a great revival to Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and every community that’s been affected by the storms. Let Your kingdom come and let Your will be done in our world.  Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Pray boldly! 🌻


As a side note, “Ooh Child” is one of my favorite songs; it’s a remake of a song first recorded in 1970. I’m sharing the link and hoping it will brighten someone’s day. This version was recorded after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, and it was dedicated to the victims of the storm.


I’m incredibly grateful for my father. My heart is filled with many good memories beginning from when I was a little girl. Daddy took me to my dance classes and my t-ball games and on adventurous rides through the mountains in our Jeep. He took me on hikes and taught me to appreciate God’s beautiful nature—especially the North Georgia Mountains.

With his gentle nature and caring heart, he taught me how to ride a bicycle. I can still visualize that day out on the fairgrounds when my daddy let go of the back of my small bicycle. Oh, the joy that rose up in my heart when I knew I could ride by myself.

He taught me how to swim and dive. I can remember that day perfectly as well. He would hold me underneath my tummy and show me how to kick my legs and move my arms. He would move his hands out from underneath me and I would swim a little further each time. And my first real dive, in the pool at Tampa, Florida was amazing as my daddy stood there cheering me on until I defeated my fear.

He taught me how to drive a five-speed car. That was funny. With his patient assistance, I finally learned how to shift the gears without screeching sounds. The fact that my daddy taught me so many things made the experiences so much better.

He took me on outings, just the two of us, when my heart needed the special touch of a father’s love. And even though we had some painful years when our family split apart, I’m thankful for those years, too. I would not change any of the hard times. It was during the years after my parents divorced that I saw my daddy surrender to Christ and grow into an amazing man of God. I saw Christ’s transformative power working in a very real way that gave me a much stronger faith in God.

I am blessed beyond measure with a father who loves me and believes in me. He is one of my best cheerleaders in life and he speaks words of affirmation when I need encouragement. I would not be who I am today without having witnessed the realness of Christ shining through Daddy’s life. I will be forever thankful for all the ways my beloved daddy has shown me love throughout my life.

Happy Father’s Day!

Let this be a day of thanking God for the good fathers in our world. Most important of all, let us remember and rejoice in the fact that God is the PERFECT FATHER for everyone who is willing to receive His awesome gift of salvation. May God’s love fill the void in the hearts of the ones in need of a good father today.


Every day, I’m filled with gratitude for the Holy Spirit. I’m especially grateful today and I’m praising God on this Pentecost Sunday. Without the Holy Spirit it would be impossible to live the Christian life. It’s only through the power of God’s Spirit that we can live the way God designed for us to live.

Galatians 5:22-23 (TLB) says: “But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…” 

We know we are living by the power of the Holy Spirit when our lives are defined by the fruits of God’s Spirit. If we don’t have God’s Spirit controlling us, then there will be bad fruits in our lives. Thankfully, God’s Spirit-controlled people are able to be the most loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled people in the world as we continually allow God to fill us with His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to do everything we’re called to do. Trying to live without the power of the Holy Spirit is like trying to fly a kite without the wind. We don’t need to struggle through life. When we need help, we can simply pray: “Holy Spirit, baptize me and help me.

Rest in God today and know that through the power of His Spirit, we can live abundant, empowered lives.


Happy Pentecost Sunday!



Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I was driving away from my mother’s house on a hot, summer day. My heart was deeply touched when I experienced a new realization about my mother’s life. As I pondered all I had witnessed around her home, I realized my mother was living in a neighborhood affected by poverty. The difference between my mother and others who live in neighborhoods affected by poverty, is that she lived there by choice. She had previously lived in a very classy home in a prestigious community. Then one day in 2001, she and her husband heard the voice of the Lord nudging them to move to a small town in West Georgia to help plant a mission church. They sold their home, left upper middle-class suburbia, and moved to a tiny house in a mill village that was built in 1930.

I remember clearly the first time I saw the neighborhood in the small town in Georgia. I had never seen anything quite like it, and neither had some of my other family members. My brother’s humor lightened our shocked state the first time we visited the new place that my mom called “home.”

My brother said, “This reminds me of Archie Bunker’s neighborhood.” We had a good laugh, but the truth of the matter is Archie Bunker’s neighborhood (in the 1970’s sitcom) was nicer.

My daughter inquired, “Why are there dishwashers and furniture in some of the yards of this neighborhood?”

As we were visiting her new home and town, she cautioned me about drug dealers and told me which streets to avoid. Even with the drastic differences from my mom’s previous home, our family quickly fell in love with her new neighborhood. However, we asked a few questions as we were getting acquainted with her new community.

As inquisitive as we were about her neighborhood, I knew in my heart, this was where God had called my mother to live. Seeing the elegantly dressed, middle-class woman in an impoverished area may have seemed odd to some people. Thankfully for me, as her daughter, I could see that this neighborhood fit perfectly with her Christ-like heart.

Mama had found her mission field right here in America, in a community filled with people in great need of God’s grace and love. This is what defined my mother. Her life was defined by her gift for sharing Christ’s mercy with the poor in spirit and brokenhearted.

I could literally write enough stories about my mom to fill a book with many examples of how I’ve seen Christ’s light shine through her, and there is one story that has impacted my life the most.

Shortly after my thirteenth birthday in 1978, my father told me that he would be divorcing my mother, and he was leaving. I have the memory etched in my mind of my mother sitting at the table weeping as she read her Bible. She had just heard my father’s hurtful words. Her college sweetheart, whom she was married to for seventeen years, was piercing her heart.

Shortly after the divorce, my father remarried another woman. My heart was crushed, so I can only imagine the depth of pain my mother was experiencing. Yet in the midst of her grieving, she continued to exemplify the amazing grace of Christ.

My mother never spoke any unkind words about my father, and she lived out what it means to forgive the way our HEAVENLY FATHER forgives. Her loving words revealed her deep love for Christ. She told me that we needed to pray for my father. She encouraged me to pray especially for my dad to surrender his life to Christ. She continually showed love and kindness to my dad and his new wife.

Because of my mom’s tremendous faith, the Lord honored her by bringing her a strong, Christian man. Mama married, Ron, several years after my father remarried. Mama’s life was a beautiful picture of how the Lord can take a devastating situation and use it for good (Romans 8:28).

Watching my mother’s way of life built tremendous faith in my teenage heart as I witnessed her faithfulness. Amazingly, I saw a miracle come forth because of my mom’s prayers. A little over four years later, my father radically surrendered his heart to Christ. At seventeen years old, it was a blessing for me to have spiritual eyes to see that the merciful love of my mother had drawn my father to the Lord.

Years later, while my mother was recovering from cancer in 1995, my father shared with me the true impact my mother’s love, graciousness, and forgiveness had made on his life. What I had discerned in my spirit, my father’s words confirmed. While sitting in my family room, my dad began pouring his heart out, telling me that the most significant factor leading him to a fulfilled life in Christ was experiencing the unconditional, Christ-like love of my mother. It was beautiful hearing with my ears what I had known in my heart for many years.

Most important of all, my mother’s life was a true example of Christ’s mercy, grace, and kindness in a dark world. The Lord had a good plan when He placed her in a neighborhood with homeless people, drug dealers, and people living in poverty. Those people are the ones who need to see grace the most.

My mother’s life exuded Christ’s grace so beautifully that I wrote a poem about her, and I gave it a fitting title: “Her Name Should Be Grace.” When I presented the poem to my mom on Mother’s Day, she was surprised and softly said, “My name means GRACE.”

I had written the poem without having any knowledge that her name literally means “one of grace.” With amazement, I rejoiced when I learned the Hebrew meaning of her name. In a powerful way, God confirmed a message through the poem I wrote for her; He knew before my mom was even born that her life would be filled with His amazing grace.

Ten days ago, HEAVEN came down and touched our family powerfully with His glory as Mama left this world to go to her eternal home. It was an amazing gift to be with her when she entered her heavenly home. God answered our prayers by helping Mama pass away peacefully in a gentle way. I let her go with my heart enveloped in an indescribable peace. With His tender love, Jesus held my heart in His hands while He held Mama in His arms simultaneously. My heart is filled with gratitude for the millions of memories and countless hours spent with her. I’m especially grateful for the abundance of time spent with her in recent months. During her final months, it’s been a great honor to help bring her comfort and encouragement as she was preparing to meet Jesus face to face.

Mama, I will continually praise Jesus for your legacy of faith, prayer, and love. And I will continue to dance, sing, laugh, and live fully alive in all circumstances just as you taught me to do. Thank you for being a living example of Christ’s love, forgiveness, and grace. I know you received an abundance of crowns in HEAVEN. You will remain deeply embedded in my heart forever, and your impact will last for eternity.



February 15, 1941—April 13, 2024


On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I am thanking God for his life and legacy. I agree with Dr. King’s words. Love is the highest good, indeed. Love is what our world desperately needs. In 2024, may we go forth as conduits of Christ’s love.


Thank You for the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Help us to always remember that love is the highest good we can do in our lives.  Help us show honor to every human and help us embrace our differences. Bring unity among us and help us live a life of love. Fill us with more of Your love so that we can make a difference in the world every day. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




On this Christmas day, my heart is filled with compassion for the ones with weary hearts. 2023 has been a devastating year for many people around the world. There is indescribable turmoil in Israel after the October 7th terrorist attack. Weary souls are filled with uncertainty about the future. But even amidst a world filled with chaos, we can rejoice because we have our beloved SAVIOR—the ONE who was born to save mankind. We can rejoice because Christ is our peace and hope. We can rejoice because we have faith that Christ will return and make all the wrong things right.

If you’re feeling weary and have a troubled heart, may the reality of Christ’s healing presence lift your spirit. May you experience the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding today and always.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Your SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our SAVIOR and eternal PEACE-GIVER. Help the ones who are feeling weary today. Help them take hold of the peace that surpasses all understanding. Guard their hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Help their hearts not to be troubled or afraid. Help them to trust You more, walk closely with You, and rest in knowing You do impossible things. Help them take hold of Your hand and live with strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

Merry Christmas!