Let’s pray passionately and trust God more to do impossible things.
Thank You for giving hope and new life. Let 2025 be the best year ever as we trust You to give us strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help us stay on Your divine path for each one of us and let Your awesome plans be firmly established in our lives. Give us more faith to pray mountain-moving prayers and let us walk hand in hand with You continually.
Let us draw closer to Your heart and experience Your presence in powerful ways. Guide us in our decisions and help us grow spiritually every day. Protect us from harm and give us strength for each battle we face. Help us to be courageous and use us for Your glory in many ways. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
May you have a blessed and powerful year in 2025! 🌻
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My all-time favorite sermon titled “Love Your Enemies” delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the most powerful speech I’ve ever heard. Americans desperately need to heed the wisdom from this message delivered on November 17, 1957. Dr. King’s anointed words are just as relevant today as they were 67 years ago. Dr. King said: “Love is understanding creative redemptive goodwill for all men.”
Christ’s love is what the world needs more than anything else.
It’s easy to love the people who are kind to us and treat us well. The difficulty of loving comes when people are mean to us and treat us unfairly. Judgmental people who say unkind, critical words are the hardest people for me to love. But through Christ’s Spirit and power, I am able to love those who don’t love me.
I believe it’s only through the power of God that we can love our enemies and pray for the mean people to have a joyful life. The people who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most. Christ’s love flowing through us coupled with prayer will bring transformation.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It never fails.
We can make a huge difference in our world if we learn to love all people regardless of our differences and varying beliefs. God (LOVE) will transform our world if we will follow Christ’s command to love our enemies.
I am inspired by the words that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “I still have a dream…men will rise up and come to see that they are made to live together as brothers…” May Dr. King’s dream come true. May we always walk in love and live as peacemakers.
Let’s pray for the CHURCH to rise up and love one another as Christ taught us.
Thank You for Your grace and mercy that never ends. Help us to love our enemies with Your perfect love. Help us to love those who persecute us and spitefully use us. Let Your unconditional love be what the CHURCH is known for.
Bring unity and a spirit of brotherhood upon our land. Bring forth countless peacemakers in our country to bring change to our communities and help us live in harmony with each other. Let us all walk together in our diversities as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Let every person from every race or background be treated equally with respect and honor. Cover our cities with Your peace and protect our neighborhoods from civil unrest during the days ahead.
Show countless people Your radical love. Speak to the hearts of all the people who call You, “Lord.” Raise us up to be the CHURCH You want us to be. Let us rise up and become people who love You fully and love each other perfectly. Let Your perfect love rule in the hearts of all Your followers. Make us ready for Your return, without a blemish or stain.
Awaken millions of souls to the reality of their need for Christ’s love and peace. Let the greatest spiritual awakening spread across our world. Let us arise in fervent prayer until we see Your kingdom come and Your will be done in America. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
While I have been crying out to God for America, I’ve sensed that many of God’s people are praying fervently and we at the cusp of seeing the greatest revival we’ve ever seen. As we keep our eyes focused on Christ and pray without ceasing, God will move on our behalf. Things may get worse before they get better, but God will keep His hand upon our country if we don’t give up praying.
Let’s pray passionately for God’s will to come forth in America.
Thank You for the good plans and vision You have for America. Thank You for reviving the hearts and changing the lives of countless people. Let revival break out in a powerful way this week as the tension is high in our nation. Cover our cities with Your peace and let the body of Christ pray more fervently than ever before.
Keep Your hand firmly placed upon our country. Heal our land and let our nation be filled with Your glory. Guard over the election process and ensure the votes will be counted in an honest way. Turn things around in our cities and let Your chosen ones be elected as our leaders. Bring forth the leaders who will help our country be safe, protect our freedom, and help our nation thrive. Let Americans elect a new PRESIDENT who will be filled with wisdom and help our nation become strong again.
Pour out a spirit of unity upon our nation and help us to forgive those who have hurt us. Let us show kindness and live in harmony with one another. Let the racial barriers come down in America and help us treat each other as brothers and sisters. Help us to be carriers of Your peace and let us be kind to those different than ourselves. Help us live humbly and walk in love toward all people. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I am thanking God for his life and legacy. I agree with Dr. King’s words. Love is the highest good, indeed. Love is what our world desperately needs. In 2024, may we go forth as conduits of Christ’s love.
Thank You for the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Help us to always remember that love is the highest good we can do in our lives. Help us show honor to every human and help us embrace our differences. Bring unity among us and help us live a life of love. Fill us with more of Your love so that we can make a difference in the world every day. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
On this Christmas day, my heart is filled with compassion for the ones with weary hearts. 2023 has been a devastating year for many people around the world. There is indescribable turmoil in Israel after the October 7th terrorist attack. Weary souls are filled with uncertainty about the future. But even amidst a world filled with chaos, we can rejoice because we have our beloved SAVIOR—the ONE who was born to save mankind. We can rejoice because Christ is our peace and hope. We can rejoice because we have faith that Christ will return and make all the wrong things right.
If you’re feeling weary and have a troubled heart, may the reality of Christ’s healing presence lift your spirit. May you experience the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding today and always.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of Your SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our SAVIOR and eternal PEACE-GIVER. Help the ones who are feeling weary today. Help them take hold of the peace that surpasses all understanding. Guard their hearts and minds with Christ’s perfect peace. Help their hearts not to be troubled or afraid. Help them to trust You more, walk closely with You, and rest in knowing You do impossible things. Help them take hold of Your hand and live with strong faith until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
On this 4th of July, I’m thanking God for America. And I’m praying for God’s hand to stay upon our nation.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for America. Thank You for birthing our nation 247 years ago. Thank You for blessing America in countless ways since 1776.
Today, I come to You with an expectant heart and pray for Your hand to stay upon America always. Bring down the powers and principalities that are fighting against Your plans for America. Protect the CHURCH from distractions in the coming days and help us continue to pray without ceasing.
Forgive us for any doubt or thoughts of unbelief we may have had in the past and give us more faith every day. Fill us with more of Your Holy Spirit and let us pray in agreement with Your heart for our country.
I trust You to bring forth Your will for our nation in Your perfect timing. I rejoice in knowing that a spiritual awakening is happening now and Your plans for America will be established as Your people pray.
Pour out Your Spirit in an unprecedented way this summer and in the months ahead. I trust You to bring a movement of Your Holy Spirit so powerful that millions of people will turn from their wicked ways and be saved. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Many years ago, I began feeling very burdened in my spirit for America and the direction it was heading. I sensed the only answer to our problems would be a great movement of God—a true revival and spiritual awakening in the lives of multitudes of people. In 2010 as I was praying, I began to envision a map of the United States with flames around it and bright light coming out of it. As I envisioned the flames of fire around the map of America, I sensed great difficulties were coming to our nation. Along with the coming trials, I believe the flames in my vision were a symbol of the Holy Spirit consuming millions of souls and drawing them into the kingdom of God.
While I envisioned bright light coming out of America, I realized the image in my mind symbolized the church in the fullness of Christ’s light.
After I sought the Lord in that season, I began sensing that the U.S. is called to be the light of the world.
The thought of our country being the light of the world brought so much excitement to my soul. It gave me a fiery passion to pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit that would change the atmosphere of America and ultimately impact the world with Christ’s glory and light.
I believe wholeheartedly that God will pour out His Spirit in a greater way than ever before. I believe there is a remnant of God’s people who are fully prepared for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and they will be used to release the glory of God into the earth realm. However, the believers in Christ who have not fully yielded to Him will be undergoing more refinement. The Lord will sit as a refiner and purifier of His CHURCH so that she will be filled with His righteousness (Malachi 3:3). In God’s perfect timing, a true movement of repentance and restoration will begin in America which will bring genuine change to cities.
America will be filled with God’s glory if we pray and partner with Christ to see His kingdom come and His will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN.
I can imagine Jesus lovingly shouting: “Rise up, CHURCH, and shine in the darkness. Pray fervently for change in America.”
Let’s pray more passionately than ever to see Christ’s will come forth for the United States.
On this National Day of Prayer, I feel led to share a prayer (video) I recorded in 2018. I prayed for America as I stood on a mountain while the sun was going down. I love how the wind was blowing as I was praying. Please pray along with me and trust our HEAVENLY FATHER to do mighty things in our country.
My heart is deeply saddened for the ones impacted by the tragedy that happened at THE COVENANT SCHOOL a few days ago in Nashville. I’m praying for God to bring peace and comfort to those who have been deeply traumatized. I will continue praying for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done on EARTH AS IT IS HEAVEN.
Though darkness may be increasing upon the earth, the glory of God is being poured out in an unprecedented way. The light of Christ is flooding out the darkness in the lives of those who are fully yielded to Him.
Let’s draw near to Christ and pray passionately every day.
Thank You for Your amazing grace and mercy. Thank You for comforting the ones who are hurting today. I know that You hold all the answers for our broken world. Prepare the younger generation for the intense spiritual battle. Pour Your glory upon the youth of the world. Fill them with God-confidence and open the door to their destinies.
Give them a strong hunger for Your righteousness and empower them with Your Holy Spirit. Let them arise and radiate Christ’s light powerfully. Let Your light shine brightly in their lives and use them to ignite a great spiritual awakening. Let Your kingdom come and let Your will be done in America as it is in HEAVEN. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
During recent days, I’ve been weeping tears of joy. I have cried multiple times in the midst of feeling tremendous gratitude. I cannot express in words how excited I am about what God is doing in America. On Thursday, February 9, my former pastor’s wife shared about a revival that had begun the day before at Asbury University in the state of Kentucky. Shortly after that, I read two articles posted on the website of the Asbury Collegian. Excitement rose up in my spirit as I read about the move of God that began during a Wednesday morning chapel service on the college campus.
As I read the Asbury Collegian articles, I remembered the move of God from previous years that gave me the desire to pray for a worldwide revival. In 2009, I lived in the suburbs of Atlanta and attended Passion City Church regularly. With a sense of awe, I saw revival happening at Passion City Church. Fourteen years ago, when I first began attending the Passion gatherings, I was amazed by the large number of college students in the services. As a middle-aged woman, I was surrounded by young people that were very hungry for God. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. God poured out His Spirit upon us powerfully as we worshiped Him in Spirit and in truth. It was truly HEAVEN ON EARTH to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during a number of the worship services and the Passion conferences I attended. Multitudes of these youthful ones were touched by Jesus, and I believe these gatherings helped ignite a movement that led to the beginning of a spiritual awakening.
Those years of worshiping with the college students at Passion City Church changed the trajectory of my prayer life. As I witnessed God pouring out His Spirit, Jesus called me to pray for revival to come upon the entire body of Christ. I began praying more passionately than I ever had before.
Even though there were naysayers that said it was not a true revival, I believe that it was a powerful move of God. Thankfully, there were other people who believed that true revival was happening. But as the years went by, the praying people seemed to get discouraged by all the negative words of the ones who did not believe God was truly pouring out His Spirit. As a result of the discouraging words, I believe prayer for revival was no longer a priority to many people in the church.
Prayer is what fuels revivals. As the church stopped praying consistently for the revival to intensify and spread, the outpouring that we experienced then began to subside.
Thankfully, God’s people are waking up now and praying like never before. So, I am confident that nothing can stop this move of God in 2023 and beyond.
With a faith-filled heart, I will continue to pray and rejoice over all the ways God is moving throughout our country. Countless people are getting redeemed, restored, transformed, delivered from demonic oppression, and set free from addictions in various churches and ministries. It’s surreal to witness God’s Spirit moving mightily in the churches and college campuses.
As we pray, we will witness an even greater measure of God’s Spirit being poured out. I believe the Spirit of God will be poured out in such a significant way that it will be like a blast of dynamite being ignited. The church will never be the same.
Let’s not allow the naysayers to discourage us. And let’s pray passionately every day for this revival to spread like wildfire throughout America and the world.
The following prayer is one I wrote in 2011. I’m sharing it again because It’s a prayer that is relevant for now.
June 13, 2011
Our Amazing Jesus,
Thank You for Your unfailing love, for the way You continually pour out Your mercy and grace. Thank You for the way You gently show us the things in our hearts that are not good. Thank You for purifying us and for removing everything that hinders us from walking closely with You. Thank You for what You are doing in the body of Christ. Oh how beautiful it is! I feel it in my spirit: Revival is about to break out in a big way in the body of believers here in our area. Keep pouring Your Spirit into the hearts of the people who are fully seeking You.
Jesus, we (the body of Christ) want more of You. We want You to work in and through us in unimaginable ways. We want thousands upon thousands to be saved in our city due to the massive outpouring of Your Spirit, Jesus. I am waiting for You with great expectation to do mighty things in the churches in our area. I have visions of people falling at Your feet, weeping in repentance, craving Your love, wanting more of You.
Jesus, show the world who You are. Show them Your radical love. Speak to the hearts of all the people who call You, “Lord.” Let each one of them come to know You deeply and intimately. Raise us up to be the church You want us to be. Jesus, make us ready for Your return, without a blemish or stain. Let us be a church who loves You fully and loves each other perfectly. Let each follower of You be so focused on You that they would not look to each other, but only to You. Let Your perfect unity and love rule in the hearts of all Your followers. I am ready to see You do great and marvelous things in my city. I love You, Jesus, with all my heart and I pray in Your name. Amen.
I am in absolute awe of You. Thank You for hearing our prayers and pouring out Your Spirit upon the younger generation. Thank You for the revival that has begun among the youth in America. Let revival continue spreading like wildfire throughout our nation and world. I trust You to bring forth a JESUS REVOLUTION that will begin to break the chains of hatred and evil off of our cities.
Awaken the church fully and help us pray more fervently than ever before. Bring forth the most powerful prayer movement among mothers to pray for the youth of the world to be saved. Bring forth countless anointed leaders to preach and lead revival meetings. Let Your Spirit rule and reign in the churches of our world. Pour out a greater measure of Your glory upon the church. Let our sons and daughters begin to prophesy with passion. Let the young men see visions and the old ones have prophetic dreams. And let millions of souls fall to their knees in repentance.
Help believers in Christ to be unified and have strong voices against the wicked injustices in our communities. Bring peace to the areas in our world that are experiencing civil unrest. Bring unity among the people in our cities and let us love one another with Your perfect love.
Empower us with Your Holy Spirit and help us do great things on the earth all the days of our lives. Let each one of us be used mightily to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Let us be peacemakers and help us bring change to the world until the day of Christ’s return. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My heart is filled with tremendous compassion for the people suffering in Turkey and Syria. Let’s pray fervently.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being our healer and rescuer. Wrap Your loving arms around the ones who are suffering in Turkey and Syria. Draw near to those who have experienced devastation from the earthquake and bring peace to those who have been deeply traumatized. Bring solace to those who are mourning and bring healing to those who are injured. Bring comfort and hope to the ones feeling hopeless.
Send countless workers to help with the rescue efforts. Strengthen the medical staff as they work to help the devastated people. Pour out Your Spirit in a mighty way and wash away the pain with Your love. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in Turkey and Syria. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.